Any experience with Radio Frequency Wave abation procedures?

Posted by Sam65 @sam65, Oct 1, 2017

Hello. First, I should mention that this is my first post to the group.
I have had neuropathic pain issues in my feet for many years made worse by surgeries that have resulted in scar tissue that has formed around the nerves. Over the years I have become diabetic (Type 2), although, it has always been considered well controlled. However, I recently had a skin biopsy performed which indicated that I did not have the clinical definition of neuropathy since the nerve cell counts were well within normal ranges. The biopsy did show “small anoxal swellings in the epidermis and sub epidermis.” My doctor said this condition is often a forerunner of nerve cell loss and is correlated to patients experiencing burning pain. Ultrasound scans have also found scar tissue in the areas that I experience the burning nerve pain.
I am hoping to hear from anyone who has tried one of the Radio Frequency wave ablation procedures to reduce neuropathic foot pain or knows of any literature on the subject.

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Hi @sam65, I am Gary and a volunteer mentor here at Connect. Welcome and I hope you will utilize what I have found to be an amazing source of support and information. I did a bit of searching and found this: I am a bit confused as I can only find information on the procedure you are inquiring about in relation to pain that originates in the spinal region. If you find any literature that mentions the treatment of neuropathic pain in the feet, please share it. I do not currently have peripheral neuropathy but as a diabetic, I am aware that it could be an issue in the future. I will continue searching and respond with anything I can find and would really appreciate you doing the same.
Peace and strength,

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