Back Pain Due to Heavy Lifting

Posted by carsalespapa @carsalespapa, Sep 20, 2017

I am looking for answers for which none of the physicians locally seem to understand. Very frustrated with my family doctor and his "guess work".

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Jim, I'm wondering if you applied for SS disability within 2 years of your last job lasting 5 years or more? That what SSD told me I should have done if I wanted to be approved. They say I can't get it now because I stupidly tried 4 more times to go back to work. My last job was within their 2year deadline, but because I was in so much pain I didn't last 5 years. It seems so crazy that you want to work, your keep trying to work, you get hired but fail so you are punished. I wondered if an attorney would help at all. Thanks, Jennifer

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@jenapower Jennifer, You sound just like me! I didn't apply for SSD and kept thinking I'll go back and I certainly wouldn't qualify so soon after leaving work. Well don't you know that by the time I applied I was denied! I was told I did not file in a timely manner and didn't qualify. Why can't people like you and I get some credit for not trying to take advantage of the system and wanting to go back to work? I have been told to see an attorney.


Jim, I'm wondering if you applied for SS disability within 2 years of your last job lasting 5 years or more? That what SSD told me I should have done if I wanted to be approved. They say I can't get it now because I stupidly tried 4 more times to go back to work. My last job was within their 2year deadline, but because I was in so much pain I didn't last 5 years. It seems so crazy that you want to work, your keep trying to work, you get hired but fail so you are punished. I wondered if an attorney would help at all. Thanks, Jennifer

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@jimhd Thank you for the info on the company to help with getting disability. I will have to check them out.


Hey, Anthony @carsalespapa . I've been thinking about you, sorry you're hurting so much. Have you made any progress in finding help?

How are your wife and daughters doing? It must be hard for them to see you in pain. I know that it concerns my son and daughter when I have health problems. We feel like we should be strong to protect and provide for our family, and I know how it made me feel when I wasn't up to the job. It can be hard on the self-esteem. But we're blessed to be loved by our kids and wives, even when we feel we don't deserve it.

Praying for you.


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Are you looking forward to learning more about the chronic back pain Tuesday? I promised I'd be praying for you.



Hey, Anthony @carsalespapa . I've been thinking about you, sorry you're hurting so much. Have you made any progress in finding help?

How are your wife and daughters doing? It must be hard for them to see you in pain. I know that it concerns my son and daughter when I have health problems. We feel like we should be strong to protect and provide for our family, and I know how it made me feel when I wasn't up to the job. It can be hard on the self-esteem. But we're blessed to be loved by our kids and wives, even when we feel we don't deserve it.

Praying for you.


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Hey, Tony @carsalespapa -It's been awhile since I spoke with you. I was thinking of you today and wondering how you're doing. I won't ask a bunch of questions about your back, disability, insurance and so on. I'm just praying for God's provision for you and your family. I hope you've been getting some relief from your pain and that you're getting some answers from the doctor's.



Hey, Anthony @carsalespapa . I've been thinking about you, sorry you're hurting so much. Have you made any progress in finding help?

How are your wife and daughters doing? It must be hard for them to see you in pain. I know that it concerns my son and daughter when I have health problems. We feel like we should be strong to protect and provide for our family, and I know how it made me feel when I wasn't up to the job. It can be hard on the self-esteem. But we're blessed to be loved by our kids and wives, even when we feel we don't deserve it.

Praying for you.


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Hello Jim!

Good to hear from you, I hope you're doing better yourself. I am dealing with Anthem right now because it seems they want to send me to an orthopedic doctor instead of a neurosurgeon/doctor. I am getting things worked out with the insurance though so I can see a neurosurgeon and hopefully soon I can get some answers and help.

The pain is not as bad thanks to my former employer. lol While I was having my MRI, X Rays and tests done they decided to politely and quietly let me go. Things happen for a reason though and it's allowed me to not be on pavement 60 hours + a week. VA and TN both are "right to work" states so they can terminate you for any reason at any time. It would be my word against theirs and ultimately they will have to answer for it, not me.

I'm still not settled on disability because I feel like there are other things I can do. (my background is in graphic design, web design, marketing and sales) I've just turned it over to the Lord and letting Him handle it and letting Him guide me. I feel like He had to bring me to this place in my life to show me that I need to stop trying to "fix" everything myself and work things out on my own instead of relying on Him. My medical situation looks like it's turning out to be a blessing more than a bad thing.

During all this I had I had become very bitter at my situation and my environment. I had it in my head I was going to fix my situation, I was going to move my family from the area where we live and go to a place that was thriving economically, get a good paying job, and all would be right. (Much like Abraham did when he went down to Egypt). We even went as far as taking a week trip to a coastal area in North Carolina to look at homes and for me to look for jobs that didn't require being on my feet all the time.

When we got back I talked with my pastor and he told me I was running away, that he felt like I was making a big mistake and that it could impact my family in a negative way. I have a 14 year old daughter (1 of 3 daughters, she's the oldest). My pastor told me she is a good kid but he felt like through much prayer she was lost, even though she made a profession of faith several years ago. She just didn't have any fruit.

After talking with my pastor that Monday I got on my face before God and repented of my bitterness and rebellion. It was the next night, my 14 year old came out of her room to where I was sitting and she was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me "Daddy, nothing is wrong, I've been living a lie, Jesus just saved me".

That was pretty much the assurance I needed to know I was going in the right direction. I had not talked to her, her mother had not talked to her, but the Holy Spirit sure had been talking with her. All we had been doing was praying.

All I can say is, God is good! It really changed my whole outlook on things. I may be hopping around and using a cane some but I have joy and peace in my heart which far outweighs the pain and the issues with my back and legs!

Thanks for keeping in touch and thank you for your prayers! Will keep praying for you as well.



Hey, Anthony @carsalespapa . I've been thinking about you, sorry you're hurting so much. Have you made any progress in finding help?

How are your wife and daughters doing? It must be hard for them to see you in pain. I know that it concerns my son and daughter when I have health problems. We feel like we should be strong to protect and provide for our family, and I know how it made me feel when I wasn't up to the job. It can be hard on the self-esteem. But we're blessed to be loved by our kids and wives, even when we feel we don't deserve it.

Praying for you.


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It was really good to read your update, Tony @carsalespapa . God is indeed good.

What a blessing it had to be when your daughter committed her heart to Christ! The destiny of our children is such a great part of the heritage we leave. I pray every day that our daughter will return to faith one day - soon would be great!

Jehovah Jireh. Jehovah provider. How awesome to watch Him at work in our lives. So much of the time we're unaware of what He's doing, and we don't always acknowledge His handwork. But then sometimes it's unquestionably evident that God cares about the details of our days. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Would the orthopedist refer you to a neurosurgeon? Working with insurance can be a real test of our religion. 🙂

I'm doing okay. I tapered off Cymbalta, ending a few weeks ago. During the last couple of weeks and the following few weeks, I think that withdrawal induced deeper depression, but about a week ago, I felt a significant lift in my mood. The result is that I have the motivation and energy to do some of the many autumn cleanup chores, a little more each day. The heavy (literally) peach crop had broken a few branches, and I finally was able to deal with it today. It feels good to get outside, especially on beautiful days like today. Are you up to doing the maintenance jobs around your place? As men, we have the drive to be in control, to fix things, as you said. Maybe it's built in to our maleness, but maybe it's just a burden we put on ourselves, with plenty of help from the culture.

Do you know what the x-rays and MRI show about your back? Is there nerve damage, which makes you think of seeing a neurologist? I pray that there will be some solutions to your pain.



Hey, Anthony @carsalespapa . I've been thinking about you, sorry you're hurting so much. Have you made any progress in finding help?

How are your wife and daughters doing? It must be hard for them to see you in pain. I know that it concerns my son and daughter when I have health problems. We feel like we should be strong to protect and provide for our family, and I know how it made me feel when I wasn't up to the job. It can be hard on the self-esteem. But we're blessed to be loved by our kids and wives, even when we feel we don't deserve it.

Praying for you.


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Hello Tony, it has been awhile since you posted and I was thinking about you and how you are doing. I know you were dealing with back pains, insurance, and disability all at once and I am hoping those situations have improved for you.

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