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What Pets Can Do: Health and Healing

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Oct 1, 2023 | Replies (237)

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@fiesty76 OMG how hilarious! I remember Phyllis Diller. No worries, I don’t go often for a haircut either. Not worth the risk to me.
We are planning for another trip to visit relatives this year if all goes well by summer with this pandemic. Last time we visited(2018) we only had 1 bunny and 1 dog. Now we added their companions so more fun for the little kids in Colorado. It was a nice getaway to a cooler climate. I had let the bunny roam the field in an orange vest attached to a leash. He enjoyed it. In fact a wild rabbit came out too. Probably was curious seeing a huge grey and white rabbit, lol.

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Replies to "@fiesty76 OMG how hilarious! I remember Phyllis Diller. No worries, I don’t go often for a..."

@avmbcbellar, Wouldn't it be great to know what the wild rabbit thought of your "super large" bunny? Bet it was wondering how yours had so obviously had hit the jack pot on munchies!

Ahhh, I yearn for a visit with my little family in Boulder,CO and am also hoping for a trip later in the year. Strangely I am having to accept that what I used to give no thought to about those solitary long drives many yrs ago between CO and TX now, decades later, gives me pause. A nine hr+ drive vs one hr non-stop plane ride is quite a contrast but I'll be reluctant to board a plane for some time. May suggest a family meet half-way between.

Sunday, daughter is driving our 15 yr old to Albuquerque for a Pfizer trial on Monday. Wish hubby was going but a business presentation has put the kabash on that. He will "be parent-in-charge" of 11 yr old and their two wonderful kitty additions. The trial will require several follow-up trips and daughter doesn't yet know when they'll learn if g.s. got the vacc or a placebo.

A salute to all who are making Covid vaccines a reality!