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What Pets Can Do: Health and Healing

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Oct 1, 2023 | Replies (237)

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@101082101082 , Hi agent Darien, it's ok to talk about whatever u want to here. Most of us have some kind of "problem, hangup, or something", or we wouldn't be here. Welcome to the site. And I absolutely adore little animals. I have a Shi Tzu named Harley. I fell in love with him the moment I looked into his eyes. The color of milk chocolate. He's my baby, and we are together 24/7. He kept me sane in 2013, and 2014. The worst years of my life. My buddy. I hope you and your husband are doing well. Judy

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Replies to "@101082101082 , Hi agent Darien, it's ok to talk about whatever u want to here. Most..."

Grateful to you Danybegood, Judy. Thanks for understanding. I make mistakes and feel so guilty afterwards, but, Agent Darien loves me anyway. And, you also are very kind.

Daddy died, Mommy feel apart and I did also. We both stopped eating and drinking much. My breeder said I, as a little 6 pounder could die of a broken heart, and Mommy's and my grief together would feed on each other.

So our friends who are rescue Poodle people, offered to have me at their house in the mountains of North Carolina where they have
a standard Afghan-Poodle and a tiny poodle plus lots going on with their friends and dogs coming over.

Good environment for me but what happened to my Daddy and Mommy? Would they come back to get me?

Mommy Joni will write you about how I healed from my Daddy leaving for heaven. I still miss him but I'm very fortunate to have Daddy Big Bear and Mommy Joni plus the other two dogs I get to visit. But Mommy Joni knows best how I recovered...and I have photos to show you of us as a group.

Now I am blessed with a big family I get to see every now and then. You know, being just with Mommy, gets boring sometimes and I have so much responsibility . I like to be where the action is and then take a nap. Action, nap!

I'll be in touch with you, I treasure my friends, dogs or humans. Actually every one thinks I feel like a human being, but I'm just a little doggie.
Hugs, and licks, Agent Darien

Miss all of you, Mommy has been busy with stuff. It's been too cold for me to get out much and I need to see other people to feel good.
Three and one half months since we moved, and now Mommy is going thru so much stuff we are going to give away, and it's Christmas with all those things to do. Mommy and I have decided to stay put, stay where we moved to and not go visiting. Good this time since
we are on the move to become more organized. Plus, Mommy is giving away to special people art work we have had for 30 years, where we lived. Feels good, but past is gone. Got to have room for today and future. But, is depressing at times. Mommy even gave away two of my quilts I use to pile up on but they were too heavy for her to keep washing them and it's cold here so better to give away now to people who need them, but I do miss them...have to keep giving things away to people to make the little box home work for us.
You know how small I am, so we just need small place now. Location good! And, its all one floor so real good for both of us.
Mommy called a friend of hers she went to college with today and it sounded as though they both felt good. He has been single all his life, an anthropologist who is just fascinating. We sent him a picture of me when I was on TV the last 2 weeks. We'll see how soon we hear from him? Mommy would like to see him because she trusts him. Moving and not having a good male friend to talk to is lonely even if he lives in another city. 45 years of knowing a person is enough to have faith and trust. He is a writer and teacher, very open person who knows all cultures. He even has been to Mayo Rochester for a serious health problem. Mommy may see if they could make their appointments there so we could all meet at neutral place. Hate to say it but since Daddy died it's so lonely for us. We need more
people in our lives. Do you know what I'm saying. Ones we can trust, have faith in and want nothing from us but good, friendship.
We'll see if he is dependable now as he once was. He still has a tie Mommy made him 45 years ago...guess that says something?
The tie was perfectly made and Mommy remembers how he came to her parents house to visit and pick it up.
Wish they would start seeing onc another, only two Amtrak stops away and we'd see what develops...one problem still exists today that stood in the way years ago...he said he would visit us here but we will see?
Daddy was so dependable. We are use to dependable and want that or else not worth it...what do you think?
No marriage would be appropriate at this age or needed. Here we go thinking about unknown based on him making two phone calls
and the tone of his voice while on the phone. Waiting, patience but also we need to get stuff done in apartment here so he doesn't think we are unorganized. So we better go to sleep, but I have missed all of you and need to stay close to you with holidays here.
Hugs, Agent Darien