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What Pets Can Do: Health and Healing

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Oct 1, 2023 | Replies (237)

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My name is Agent Darien, I'm a 13 year old male Maltese and service dog for my Mommy. I know more about my Mommy and my Daddy when he was alive
then they did, do. I was three months old when I came to live with them, only 3 1/2 pounds. My Daddy had had an acute stroke and the doctors and his daughter thought he needed a little doggie. Our friends had an adorable Maltese and my parents decided to get a Maltese also. Mommy researched for three month full time, she's one you might call Type A, perfectionist, and had to get the perfect one for Daddy. Well, I ended up the perfect one, of course!
Mommy ended up taking the mommy role, and Daddy always wanted to please me whatever that meant. He would tell Mommy, he is not our child, he is a dog, he does not need to be disciplined like he is a child. Mommy even had a dog trainer come to the house and the trainer after being in our home for an hour, said to my Daddy, you do not want me to train your dog and you will not follow the instructions after I leave so I will not be the dog's trainer. She left!
You see Daddy from his stroke lost the Executive Powers of his brain, so although he had been very smart, his judgement was off. Made Mommy responsible for all the stuff one does not want to deal with, if you know what I mean. Also, I slept in my crate next to Mommy, so she was the one who took care of me and made sure I had a clean crate, took the traditional Mommy role. I cried and cried the first two nights I left my own Maltese Mommy and 4 brother and sisters. Mommy and Daddy held me close on their chests next to their hearts as my Mommy still does when she needs me to be close to her. She needs me so much I can't believe it sometimes. I tell her when to go to bed, when to wake up, when there is too much noise or too much light on us.
Sometimes she just thinks I want a treat, but I am barking to say, it's time to go to sleep now. Then she finally gets it because I make such noise she
has to stop everything and go to bed so I get quiet. And, I get my way! I'm coming in the living room now to give her the heads up!
Now I'm the boss, I am now 6 pounds, and here I am again in the living room telling her that's it, we are going to bed. Getting ready to bark, BARKING!
Like I said, time for bed. Thank you for listening to me, I need to talk also to somebody, I need people just like you do. We all need unconditional
love! And, you know what, I do get it. I have been very blessed. You know my feelings they are just like yours. We all want to be loved and thrive on the love we are blessed to receive. I like to write thank you notes also.

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Replies to "My name is Agent Darien, I'm a 13 year old male Maltese and service dog for..."

This is Agent Darien again, I apologize for the mistakes on my first post, takes me longer since I'm a dog. My edit took too long so I'm embarrassed about the mistakes. Please forgive me. Also, I wrote you too much since I needed to talk to you.


Hi, Agent. This is the third time I've started to write to you. Something is wrong with Jim's phone. It keeps losing my message. I hope he figures out what's going on because I'm tired of starting over and over and over again.

My name is Sadie, and I'm Jim's service dog. He gets sad and worries too much, so I try to keep him safe. I get to go everywhere with Jim, and I get kind of bored sometimes. Right now we're in a big, scary place called Costco. Jim's wife is still shopping. I'm lying on my nice soft blanket under the table. The food smells really good, but I don't get any until I get outside.

I'm bigger than you, and I probably need to go on a diet, but we girls don't like to disclose our weight. I'm a black and white McNabb.

Jim's wife finished shopping, and he's going to have a berry sundae. He shouldn't be eating it - too many calories. I hope he saves me a bite.

Gotta go. I'll write again.


Oh, Sadie, it is so good to hear from another dog!  We understand each other...and yes I know what Costco is like...all my pee pads come from there.   And, the sundae, I don't like anything cold, so it's not for me.  Our Costco is further away, and Mommy will have bring back large packages, larger than me, so I will be stuck at home in my room.  So, why do you like to do?  Do you bark much when your Daddy does not comply with what he is to do?  How have you figured out what gets the best results?

Yes, we do not ask women their age...but you probably look young. At least as dogs, we don't have to do all this yucky stuff like botox if our skin hangs down, etc.  Some people are really into that.

I just get my hair cut and get groomed every 4 weeks.  How about you?  Mommy sometimes needs to wash me in between but I do not have a stand and rope to keep me still.  SO I run and run around before she gets the hairdryer out and I don't do that at the groomer.  I behave when other people are around.

I play games on Mommy cause she needs the stimulation.  Mommy thinks I need the stimulations but we all know she needs to the stimulation.

I bet you introduce your Daddy and Mommy to other people also. I bet they love you so much, do you know it and see it?  Can't imagine it if would not show you...what kind of treats are your favorites?

Mommy has to go to bed now, so I do also.   Thanks so much for contacting ,me.

We can have fun while they do whatever they do...do the MDs want to see you more then

your parents?   

Talk to you soon, AgentDarien