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Talking Frankly about Living with Advanced Cancer

Cancer | Last Active: Jun 18, 2023 | Replies (508)

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Teresa, (shortshot80) Hi Teresa, I have been so sick since the last chemo Feb, 6 I think. My face was sow swollen, eyes just slits, could not wear my dentures, eyses so itchiy and not worth a darn. I say my cancer doc last Thursday, be off chemo till the 29th and will have imunetherapy fusion then. Hopefully this will set better. I have also lost weight, been in the hospital for four days, My husband of 90 was in the hospital for 9 days with UTI, and pneomnia. It has been hectic to say the least. And the weatjer has been just awful. Wind, rain, some snow on the beach of Oregon. My vision is bad macular degeneration too. If I make it to the 19th of march I will be 85. Just has been "not fun!. My spelling isn't good today either. Just wanted you to know that most things are not easy any more. Nancy

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Replies to "Teresa, (shortshot80) Hi Teresa, I have been so sick since the last chemo Feb, 6 I..."

Oh my Dearest:Life is not being fair to you or your husband. You have manypeople thinking of you. You both are in my thoughts & prayers.Try to talk to your body about feeling better. Naps help too.
This has been a crazy year for weather everywhere. We drove back from a cool PHX, AZ withtemps low 40F-60F! 
I ran the PHX Marathon 10K race at 6:00am with 40F weather, and flu like symptoms.
Just after the start I had to run to the bushes with the runs! What a year for illness, right?
 Two blocks from the Finish Line I fell down! 
I’ve never done that...and a woman yelled, “Get Up! You can finish this race! Run with me!” So, I did! Happy to finish 11th in my age group! Now I have a new friend! 
It’s all about getting up! I now show off my black, purple and yellow, swollen right eye, that I hit on the pavement when I tripped on the street gas line cap ( silly me)!  It’s become an inspiration to others who feel like they are falling down in life!
So my dear, Know I’m cheering for the moderator n day medicine to do their work for you and your loving husband. Thank you for sharing your journey and staying Connected ! You are so brave!!!hugs & prayerslinda 

@shortshot80 Hi there Nancy. I saw your post tonight and felt like you could use some extra cyber hugs and well wishes. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

@shortshot80 Hello Nancy:

It is so good to hear from you again. I am so sorry that this has been such a tough time for you and your husband. I hope that your "chemo-break" will be good for you and that the immunotherapy will help you as well.

I'd like to wish you a happy birthday in advance - we are both "March babies" as my birthday comes up this weekend. Weather here in Michigan has been bad as well.

Your posts add such a good diminestion to Connect - I so appreciate hearing from you.

Might you feel God's blessings on your life during this month of your 85th birthday!


@shortshot80 Hello Nancy,

I hope that this post finds you better from the side effects you mentioned in your last post. I hope that your birthday on Monday was a good one for you.

I would love to hear from you when you feel up to it.


Hi Teresa, Finally I think I am getting a little better. The last month and half have been very stressfull. First I could no eat very much, then no sleep, then I couldn't breathe... Seemed like I wasn't going to get better at all. I have been to the doc's and Yesterday I sawmy primary
doc. I just told him how I felt, So turned all my problems to him. Well he said something that finally made sence. . I was having "panic attacks, quite regularly. Didn not even think that as I have never been afraid of much of anything. Well doc gave me pill (prescription for some "lorazepam" I think that is a life savor...... I was able to sleep through the night last night and I have even eating a little more. I had spent four days in the hospital, (didn't figurer it out the). Think things will be better not.. Slow but that's ok.
My 85 th birthday was just great. I had many email, cards , phone calls. I even had a family from Texas call and sing to me. That was special. ..... Thanks for asking .... Be back soon. Nancy shortshot80

@shortshot80 Hi Nancy:

I am so glad that you are doing better, I really missed hearing from you. Anxiety is pretty easy to treat and often meds and physical problems can cause anxiety. What a blessing that your primary doctor figured it out. I am so glad that you had a good birthday.

I look forward to hearing from you again.


Hi Teresa, (shortshot80) Nancy. Things are somewhat down to a small roar... Next is... I saw my heart doc yesterday, Seems that my pacemaker has stopped working. I have to have the battery changed next Monday April 2. My doc is 65-70 miles away. I have to be at
the hospital at 6;30 am for surgery at 8am. Will have to be in the hospital for aprox 5 - 6 hours afterward. He has to change the battery and make a few adjustments. Then the drive home of one - one half hours. . See my cancer doc on this coming Thursday to see what will happen next. I'm feeling somewhat better than I was a month ago. Still a touchy stomach. Hopefully that will be gone soon. I have lost over 20 pounds with all that has happened. I had panic attacks in bed, (thinking I could not breath) (cancer) So am on some lorazepam. Really does help and am finially getting some sleep. Positive outlook helps.. Will keep you posted as I can. Nancy