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Possible causes of MAC/MAI Re-Infections

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Aug 27, 2018 | Replies (59)

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MAC is a diesease that's different for everyone. Cavitary and nodular differ along with type and location. Side effects to the big 3 differ as well. I didn't feel great but after a full year I was taken off too. We all are impacted physically and emotionally from the disease and the drugs.
I'm not a doc, but I think Sputum cultures, CT scans and patient symptoms is what the docs use to determine if you have it or It comes back.
I've been off meds for 6 weeks, there are after effects like some gut issues I have . There is also the emotional stuff, the anxiety most of us have not knowing what's next.

Here's what I'm trying to do. Just live. Be happy to be off meds and feel pretty good. Trying to get out and do things, eat healthy, exercise and spend quality time with friends and family, donsome service work. We only really have today, I'm 71 and my friends are getting sick, some have died. So, maybe we just need to try to feel the joy of having survived till now and just try to live each day fully, maybe try to do some good with our remaining time. I worry terribly, but I keep pushing through to change my thinking and just live. Sometimes it's easier than others, I'm writing this today but could be the person tomorrow afraid and looking to the forum to pick me up.
Wishing you and all Forum friends a nice Autumn weekend.
Kay S

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Replies to "Renee MAC is a diesease that's different for everyone. Cavitary and nodular differ along with type..."

Kay, good words! I don't have gut issues (yet) but my acupuncturist has recommended I drink some Kombucha to get some good bacteria back in my system! Something to look into?!