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Oh... alcohol makes more sense. Do you use alcohol at home to or vinegar?

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Replies to "Oh... alcohol makes more sense. Do you use alcohol at home to or vinegar?"

@tinaesims Sorry for the delay - I just found this message. I use boiled water at home, we store the cleaned and air-dried devices in a ziploc bag, and I occasionally do an alcohol soak on the nebulizer parts. I am not convinced that household vinegar (3-5%) is sufficiently strong to kill MAC/NTM based on a few studies I have read, so I prefer alcohol. I have not found 10% acetic acid to be readily available to me like alcohol is. Here is a link I found about mycobacteria growth and the effectiveness of alcohol as a disinfecctant: https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1513/AnnalsATS.201301-013FR.