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Hi from @darlia
I have recently been diagnosed with Ineffective Esophagial Motility Disorder.. or IEM, I am told. My Gastroenterologist told me that there is not anything to do for it, so I try to be careful to be very aware of chewing and swallowing. I can choke easily on food, drink pill or nothing!. I've been tested with many swallowing tests which all come back to say that I don't have any blockage or problem other then the IEM. I do also have GERD, Gastroparesis and sliding hiatal hernia and am currently taking Pepcid only at night, I think 40 mg. I've had the swallowing issues for most of my life and I am going to be 59 soon. IN a couple of weeks....so I am just looking for any help here from anyone who knows more about it and this looked like a good place to ask. I publish on Neuropathy, Autoimmune and Digestive Health too. I started a post titled FGFR3 Antibody in the Neuropathy group which I also have been diagnosed as having which is the cause of my Peripheral Neuropathy.
I did take years ago Prevacid and after taking it for many years, I told my Dr,. that I should not, because I only have one kidney as it is and it reported that it could cause kidney problems. She agree and put me on the Pepcid. It amazes me how we have to be our own advocates when it comes to the meds we are prescribed. It can cost us our life if we don't!

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Replies to "Hi from @darlia I have recently been diagnosed with Ineffective Esophagial Motility Disorder.. or IEM, I..."

Hi Darlia- I know you posted this 2 years ago- but I'm just seeing it now. How are you doing with the IEM? I have had an endoscopy and esophageal motility test which shows that my lower esophageal sphincter is "tight as a drum" said the doctor. So, I am on 40 mg Prilosec in am and 240 mg Diltiazem- which is a calcium channel blocker and somewhat relaxes the LES. And, then I take 300 mg of Ranitadine at night. The meds are helping- but it has been 7 years like this now.- and still feels like there is something stuck in my throat. I also know the proton pump inhibitors do something to the Intrinsic Factor- which produces Vit B12. My sister has to give herself a Vit B12 shot every month. Does anyone have any thoughts or comments on this?