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Morning Anxiety

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Feb 13, 2019 | Replies (272)

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I spent years in dresses and now do not even own one...I am always casual. The fact that this guy commented on your appearance says a lot about him and his attitude. Smart to walk a way @danybegood1 . I have found it difficult to get the medical people to take my pain seriously because of mental health history. Once many of them see depression they cease listening. Walked a way from all professionals for 6 months-I went back only to be diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic by a GP and again no one would listen. I had been w/o thyroid meds for a long time-once one has a mental health history it seems life is over. A misdiagnosis by a GP (also their GP) has cost me my family who believed her and I stopped taking that nasty anti psychotic and am still endeavoring to get my life back. Did get referred to a cardiologist so finally someone listened. Working hard at keeping anxiety down as I do have a grandson. I don't want him growing up believing he has a crazy grandma because of the ignorance of others. When allowed some quality time we have so much fun together. I so dislike being stereotyped by others. I feel so happy when I am allowed some quality time with him. I am always consistent.
So now trying to calm myself as I do not want to have a stroke or cause any one any problems. Very discouraged. Coming here to express my feelings does help. No one sees the depressed me as I am always smiling when with others. Sometimes I just go to a store and walk around to be around other people.
I do what I can to keep my spirits up. I learned the hard way to not allow others to advocate for me. At least now I can do some art work and drive myself to do errands and play in the dirt in the summer.
Living in an apartment has been difficult to adjust to-I now have houseplants in for the winter. My home is my studio-I always wanted a studio and now I have one. Walls are filled with paintings. A studio and home all in one.
Apologize for rambling. Trying to create my own happy little world. At least I have food and shelter and can keep my bills paid. Far better off than many.
No one here asked for their anxiety.

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Replies to "I spent years in dresses and now do not even own one...I am always casual. The..."

So beautifully expressed, @parus. I'm sure your words will strike a familiar chord with many in our Mental Health discussion group. There is something about being "labeled" that makes us more suspicious of how we are being treated and whether or not we are being taken seriously. That is one reason why I encourage everyone to be their own patient advocate - learn as much about their physical and emotional health and go into appointments well prepared to ask good questions and take charge of the appointment.

I so appreciate your input. Keep posting - we need to hear about your proactive approach to, "Trying to create my own happy little world."
