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Anyone Else With PTSD?

Mental Health | Last Active: Nov 26, 2023 | Replies (666)

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Does anyone else have difficulties in waiting rooms??? At a recent visit I wrote a poem whilst waiting. Anyone that can identify with my feelings on my waiting room experience??

"Waiting Room PTSD"

Waiting room and all the trauma-
The morning news filled with drama...
Can someone please press mute?
I do not care nor do I give a hoot
About the robberies and death-
All of the violence robs my breath.
Endless mega-hype of radars
When I look to the sky and stars.
Technology all around and about-
The noise I try hard to block out!
All of the darkness through the waves
While silence my minds desperately craves.
As for that horrific. slamming automatic door...
I turn wrong side out and seek the floor.
There is nothing to block nor to bring
To block the next slam or cell phone ring.

Yes, this was written in the waiting room amid all of the racket.

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Replies to "Does anyone else have difficulties in waiting rooms??? At a recent visit I wrote a poem..."

What an excellent use of your time. I usually just get twitchy. Now I'll write. Thanks so much. You might have saved someones life and me a lifetime of bologna sandwiches.


You are so expressive thru your artwork and your writing. Yes, I can relate! Noise bothers both my husband and me, now that we're older, far more than anything except the crowds that usually accompany the noise. We often retreat to our bedroom chairs and relax while listening to soft, soothing music. I hate shopping in retail stores in shopping centers because the noise and crowds are overwhelming for me. I mostly shop online now. It's so much easier and I can always send things back if they aren't right for my style, fit, etc.

Peace comes in small ways and I always welcome it. Getting so involved in what I'm doing that I lose track of time, place, and noise is my favorite inward "escape." I think this is when you're in "The Zone."

@parus this poem is perfect. Would that my clothing match the wall paint or wallpaper so I could disappear in to it. Sitting with my back to a wall. Usually in a corner, to see all comers. Head buried in a book, pen with journal, or crochet hook in hand, to not have to deal with the others also there. My senses on high alert, every noise seems to be very pronounced, every smell even more so. The place doesn't matter, doctor office, auto repair, etc. My anxiety goes through the roof, and they wonder why my blood pressure skyrockets.