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Anyone Else With PTSD?

Mental Health | Last Active: Nov 26, 2023 | Replies (666)

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Return visit to doctor resulted in a trip to imaging as to who knows what? Scary as I had them before. Tomorrow at 2. What next? Back in a week for results and a different doctor as the one I am seeing is leaving for Haiti. The one seen prior to the assigned doctor freaked me out so much with her uncertainty-not her again!!! We ought to be able to feel safe and confident when seeing the secondary to the pcp. Stressed to the max. No one to ask for help. Suck it up coward and just go get it over with...the noise is dreadful for me. i know for most this is no problem. My vision goes to black and white---I can do this.

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Replies to "Return visit to doctor resulted in a trip to imaging as to who knows what? Scary..."

dear parus, keep holding on. it is tough i know but so far i have made it for 80 years. yes 80. remembering when my mother tried to smother me at age 5. horror of horrors. hang in and make it past age 80. do all of us good when you pass 80. we all love and care for you. peach barbara

Hello @parus

If you are talking about noise, you must be having an MRI? I hope that it goes well for you. I recite (in my head, without vocalizing) stuff when I'm in an MRI thingy - words to songs, Bible verses, pray for others - whatever it takes to get me through to the end. I've even fallen asleep during the process (believe it or not).


@parus - imaging is good. I always like it when scans, etc., are arranged. I like to see the pictures so I understand better what's going on. I always ask them to explain what I'm seeing. I'm looking forward to hearing what they see in your workups.

Have you tried ear plugs or headphones? I slept with ear plugs for a long time because of my wife's snoring.


dear parus, i forgot, you mentioned self pity a few days ago. yes you and i and many others who have suffered as we have do deserve to admit to self pity. why not, it is justified. perhaps it does help us to pity ourselves. for it is well deserved. cry all you want to. it does help me somewhat. but somewhat is better than none at all. you and i (and others) have many true horror stories that perhaps should be told and feeling sorry for ourselves is warranted. do not be embarased of the truth and realize how many people can be as strong as we are. YES, YOU ARE STRONG. believe in yourself for you are special. there are many, many people who know you are special and we do love you. peach barbara

I have tried a lot of things-If I cannot not hear what is going on around me the fear takes over...catch the image? Clarifying, pun intended.

Not into sharing any past horror...most selective in comments I peruse. If sharing helps some this is a positive thing. I can not be offended or upset by things I do not not read. We are all different and this is what makes each of us special in some way. What works for one may not work for another. Thanks to all for the encouragement...

@jimhd and @parus

I understand what you mean about being interested in what is going on, Jim. I am having an echocardiogram today also and after I get the results on MyChart, I graph the changes (I now have 3 years of echos that I graph) and when I see the doctor I discuss the changes noted on the graph and he sits down and explains whether they are significant or not and what they mean in terms of heart function and possible valve replacement.

Fortunately, he is not intimidated or defensive when I go through my charting and questions - he really is great!


@parus - When I suggested earphones and earplugs, I was thinking of around the house. You've mentioned lots of noise from neighbors and construction noise, and I was thinking about how you might mask the sound.


@jimhd @lisalucier @hopeful33250 I have tried different things here at home...earplugs are totally out as I become hyper vigilant...the population here has changed resulting in more noise. I have no control over this and when someone young and fast walking (quite thin) can sound like they have bovine in their gene pool-no one ever taught them to walk with soft feet. I cannot help there. The lady above me now has a new dog that does not like being left alone and howls incessantly when the owner is gone or otherwise disposed. The dog belongs to her daughter (I presume) who recently moved in with her. The mother is extremely hard of hearing. I did finally call the office which I have not done before-even I, as well as others, have our limits about some things. The howling has ceased for now. Always best to allow the property manager to deal with these things-not my job and I am a coward.
I had several heart tests done in 2014-All I had done this time was the echocardiogram. All went smoothly. A student did the test and what a delightful young lady. Whew...I could have fallen asleep. The first thing she did was turn on the TV and asked which channel. "Turn it off please". She was shocked as I was the 1st of here patients having ever making this request.
Thank you everyone for helping me. I need to learn to ask more questions. Just because past experiences asking questions have been met with rudeness, etc. does not mean not to try again. Okay, Cowardly Lion, time to take on Oz.


I am so glad that your Echo went well today. I had an Echo today as well and will get the results in a few days - so we both had similar experiences.

Your posts are just wonderful! I love the Cowardly Lion and the Oz references. Have you ever considered writing a daily meditation book for people dealing with depression and anxiety? I would certainly buy a copy.

Blessings to you,
