← Return to CRPS - anyone suffering with complex regional pain syndrome

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@faithwalker Renee, I have read, and reread your post many times, and it kills me. I am going to tell you many things I have thought about, and many have nothing to do with your question. First, can you afford a care giver for both you and your husband? Taking stress away from your husband, may help your pain, as well. Can you find a closer doctor, or do everything with your doctor virtually? Can you manage to watch Norman Doidge on youtube, and explore Neuro Plasticity? I have no idea if it applies to CRPS, but of course I do know, your pain signals have excellence in overtaking your brain, and need to be lowered down. Is there anything in your life that so engages you, that you can focus yourself long enough to keep your focus out of pain? I don't know if you find this offensive, Renee. I am just trying to help, as I would try to help myself. I have a feeling that if our brains cannot be changed, and how they send pain messages, all is useless. As far as what to say to you about managing the Pain Assessment Tool, I clearly have no clue. And, have you thought of Kratom? It helps pain very well, and if done with respect and care, creates no more side effects than any other medication. Love to you. If I had a magic wand, I would send it your way. LoriRenee1

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Replies to "@faithwalker Renee, I have read, and reread your post many times, and it kills me. I..."

I cannot take offense at a helping hand, Lori Renee1.
I do quite a bit to distract myself from the pain actually and attempt to learn more and more as is possible even with the cognitive blur the pain causes. I have learned to paint, polish rocks, diamond paint, sketch with charcoal, and make soy candles. I even continue to try to write although I’m limited to blogs and brainstorming with future plots and novels. I haven’t finished out published another novel since before my knee operation. I may need to be contented with five. That’s okay.
I haven’t taken Kratom but with my seizures and migraines, that’s a discussion better left between my neurologist and me. I’ll let you know what we decide. I need a list of the entire ingredients, inactive and active before we even discuss it as a treatment option.
And neoplasticism? I don’t know much about the topic but I will investigate it further.
On the subject of closer providers teams? I’ve been attempting to get a closer provider to accept me and my case for over a year. I visited with my husband’s provider last month and due to his upcoming retirement, he declined. All other pain specialists with an hour drive, refuse to prescribe opioids or accept me case due to the opioids I currently take. I’ve been told by two “providers” that CRPS WILL NOT respond to Opioid therapy, (with me, a verifiable example of the opposite sitting in front of them) and the only treatment I could receive would be a SCS (which I already have), Lyrica or another “nerve” medication (anti-epileptic), or NSAID (can’t tolerate due to surgical and medical history).
Upon hearing the previous reasons to not be a recipient for their new protocol treatments, they excuse me from their offices with a polite or forceful no and say goodbye .