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Hello All, I was just diagnosed with CRPS after my last surgical procedure on July 27, 2017. It's in my left foot, for the first 10 weeks I was in bed taking pain pills every 2 hours 24/7. It wasn't for the nerve pain it was to glogg my mind so I didn't have to focus on the nerve pain that was intolerable. The nerve pain was so severe I was on suicide watch by my family. Once the doctor saw me he diagnosed me right away with CRPS, he schedule a diagnostic injection a week later and I had some relief for about 2 weeks. Since then I have had 2 injections with Botox which last for about 2 1/2 months with some relief but gives me some hope. He started me on Terazosin which is a medication to lower my blood pressure. I haven't been on it very long so i will try to keep you updated on my progress. Most recently I have been having similar nerve issues now in my right foot but not as severe but it's the beginning. I have to say what has worked the best is my faith and praying 24/7 to take the pain away. I did go to pool therapy at first it was very difficult all I did was cry but I stayed with it. Each pool session got better then I started to have land therapy which started out rough then it got better. Both therapist had gone through CRPS courses which makes it much easier because they understand what we go through. Another thing to watch out for is being pricked by needles, every time I am pricked with a signal needle my symptom will worsen for about 5-7 days. I am now seeing a Christian Pain Psychiatrist that is going to start with a program called EMDR for CRPS & Chronic Pain. I will try to keep you updated on my progress. At this point of our life we have to try anything because there is NO cure for this disease. One other thing I want to share with all of you. I have a brother that is a Nero Chiropractor that practices in Sweden for over 30 years now. I begged him to fly home which I offered to pay for his trip. After thinking about my condition and changing his work schedule he came home for 8 days to work his magic on me. At first he could not touch my left foot nor work on it so he started from my head and worked his way done day after day. By the time he left he was able to touch my foot with little resistance from me. This was a miracle that he was able to touch my foot, prior to this a fly could not land on my foot if so it was very painful. After he left to go back home he did some research to find a Nero Chiropractor near where I live. This wasn't easy because there are very few Nero Chiropractors in the USA. If you can locate one I highly recommend to go see them. The one he found for me was just starting to take course from a doctor in Canada. When and if I get up to it I plan on flying to Sweden to have my brother work on me for about 2-3 months. I cant imagine what he can do for me after 2-3 months after seeing what he did after 8 days. Again I will try yo keep you posted when this time comes, it may be he'll come back home before I can fly.
Everyone that has this disease, I will add everyone of you to my daily prayers.
Good Luck - Steve

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Replies to "Hello All, I was just diagnosed with CRPS after my last surgical procedure on July 27,..."

Steve, Welcome and that sounds like a horrid disease and accompanying pain. When you were first diagnosed, had you previously injured your foot? You said your last surgical procedure, was that related to your foot? This is just something I don't know anything about, so asking questions for my learning curve. I hope you will find some people with a comparable problem, possibly learn something, but most of all, find support from a group that I have seen engage in tremendous care for the community and people who are able to encourage others when you could not imagine walking a mile in their shoes. I continually learn that we are so much better as a people than our news coverage would ever lead you to believe. Blessings, Gary

Hello I’m Cindy’s and I was recently diagnosed with CRPS after an accident I had at work in 2019 to my left foot and the pain is absolutely intolerable. I’m seeing a pain management doctor which has me on gabapentin she also just prescribed terazosin and a cream to apply when I’m able to touch my foot. I had a nerve block done in January 2020 and I had a severe reaction to the steroid and ended up in the hospital so needless to say the nerve block didn’t work. My employer, friends and family do not understand the unbearable pain I’m constantly in. I was wondering if anyone has any advise or suggestions on how to deal with the pain or anything that has worked for them. I have an appointment to go to the Cleveland Clinic on Monday for more treatment. All suggestions and advice is very much appreciated. Thanks

If you have the financial assets, the Spiro Clinic is the only place having su cess with a cure from crps. The don't accept insurance but might be offering more than your brother? She is from Germany and created her own program. Look it up. I sadly can't afford it but perhaps you can. I would go if I could. Website and fb page