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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 12 hours ago | Replies (6261)

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Hello Elizabeth! Thanks for reaching out! I have over 500 emails from my Connect groups. I am so far behind I'm not seeing people's messages to me. I'm don't want anyone to think I"m ignoring them!

I haven't been feeling well for a long time now so I have even more limited opportunity to talk to people on Connect. I feel worse since my 2nd dose of Moderna. No fever just malaise.

Over time my neuropathy is so much worse. I have it from head to toe. Burn/sting/numb/pins/needles. Only ice gels help. I sit w/heat at my feet, thighs and hands, and ice on my knees and lower legs. Tucked under my winter weight down comforter. Ug, stuck to my bed most of the time. I have Raynaud's disease so between that and my neuropathy, I am very hot and cold in places, sometimes at the same time!! Burn so hot it feels cold. Or wait, is it the other way around? Oh my!

I have several diseases as well and am very weak. No complaints; just info.

I am a woman of faith and God's ever-presence, comfort, and peace through Christ which transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7), is what gets me through. Just the right verses at the right time!

Thanks you for reaching out! I enjoyed reading your message about the rollator, etc. I live about 25 minutes north of Seattle. Do you live in Florida? I thought I read that but can't find it or recall. I hope the rollator works well for you.

I also have severe osteoporosis and have broken 3 pelvic bones, a rib, etc. so am really not supposed to life my walker. I can't slide it out of the car but not hoist it up into the back of the car. I can almost always find someone to help.

I hope and pray the very best for you! Warmest wishes, Sunnyflower

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Replies to "Hello Elizabeth! Thanks for reaching out! I have over 500 emails from my Connect groups. I..."

I am so sorry to read of your multiple sufferings. You truly handle things so well, it is an inspiration. You also replied very quickly, especially for someone that has so many emails; so no need to apologize for the length of waiting times. I live right outside of Denver, Colorado. We are expecting a large snowstorm this weekend, so today I busied myself with getting a roast on. It is just my husband and myself so a roast will be more than enough for a few days.

Like you, I had some health issues prior to getting neuropathy. It seems that they were all under control until I had sepsis. It has been a few years ago, yet I haven't gone back to pre-sepsis health. Oh well, also not complaining just informing. My seizure disorder has done the worst. I now just have to expect waking up on the floor at times. It is what it is. I do have great physicians and they respond fairly quickly when I need new changes in my medication regime. Well, It looks like I have not done a good job of not complaining. So, I will close. I wish you the best of health or improving health anyway. Thanks for listening or reading my note,
Beth or Elizabeth, either one. will do.

John and Ed had breakfast with her and he said she seemed like a nice woman,
totally ignored by Cuomo.