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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 2 days ago | Replies (6262)

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@sunnyflower thank you!!! How do you get the drs to address it asap?? I don't want to be too pushy but I am at the end of my rope. I actually had fallen asleep this afternoon and woke up to hearing my husband telling one of our workers that this is all I do...sleep- really? No I dont!! Then he proceeded to say I have been to so many drs and they don't know what is wrong but I won't let him do anything. I was so upset and sad. I am sure he just wants me fixed so do I. I was so horrified that he would say that to an employee. I want to walk into the drs office tomorrow and just say come on do something- I don't have much time left like this!! Thank you for listening to me. The night time is the worst I can't sleep and then when I do fall asleep and I wake up I feel like I never slept...blessings to you and thank you!!!!

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Replies to "@sunnyflower thank you!!! How do you get the drs to address it asap?? I don't want..."

I don't know your's and your husband's situation, obviously. The one thing I have learned over the years of being a caregiver to my wife is, do not make any assumptions about her situation. Let her be the one who does the guiding. She guides me as to what she is feeling, what she needs, where does she hurt the most at any given time. It's really important to be a good listener, not make any assumptions. After all, when she is available here and now to tell me what's what, I need to just try to be there for her. I can't do anything for her pain lots of times but I do think "being there" helps her, and she affirms this. She just wants me to be there for HER, give her needs and wants the focus, let her talk and tell me what is on her mind. And this is especially important when talking with outsiders (even family) about her. Say what SHE believes about her situation not what I believe. She's no dummy, so I don't treat her like one. Again, not saying that this in any way applies to you and your husband, just talking about what we do in our own relationship. Best to you, Hank

Hello specialty555,

It's harder to get appointments nowadays bc of covid-19. Many support staff, etc., including doctors, are working from home.

Are you able and willing to have a phone visit with a doctor? You can also do video visits as well. I have them even with my nutritionist, physical therapist and other specialists.

Scary at first if you are computer challenged but they do trial runs ahead of time with you and walk you through the process until you feel comfortable. If not video then just do phone.

Be sure to ask if you can be put on the cancelation list to be called to come in sooner should someone cancel.

Better than that, is that the nurses have authority over the doctor's schedule to get you on it sooner than the appointment scheduler does so ask to speak with your doctor's nurse. If you are a new patient and don't have an assigned doctor yet, I would still do this. Tell them how bad you are and plead to be seen ASAP. There are usually a few appointments left open for urgent patients for that day so call first thing in the morning!! SSHhhh!

I am very sad to hear that your husband isn't validating you and has humiliated and hurt you by saying what he did about you sleeping all the time. It's an inconvenience to some family and friends to have an afflicted person in their lives. I think there's a discussion about this kind of thing that I will ask John to direct you to by including him in this post.

I will pray that he will be kind, understanding, patient and helpful and rapidly gain insight into your situation and suffering.

I wish for you, the comfort of God and His peace through Christ which surpasses human understanding (Philippians 4 :7), which is the only thing that gets me through the many fires we all walk through here in this very temporary life.

Many blessings and warmest wishes, Sunnyflower. 🙏😊🌹
@johnbishop Hi John, would you use your resourceful skills, and please direct @specialty555 to the discussion about how some of our family members and friends can treat us bc we're afflicted/suffering? Thx so much!!