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DiscussionLiving with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group
Neuropathy | Last Active: 15 hours ago | Replies (6355)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "@fiesty76 I like that call name. Fiesty is good. I am not feeling very fiesty. The..."
@summertime4, Sorry you are in a bummer. It's times when you are that you just have to take things slow and easy, one step, one day at a time.. Hope your day gets better and better.
Hi @summertime4 Not very fiesty, eh? Probably not very summer like either I'm assuming. Wouldn't be great if on the days you feel crappy your user name would just automatically change to @crappy? Sorry, my pitiful attempt to cheer you up.
I hear you about the gabapentin. Lots of people love it, and lots don't see any benefit, such as my wife who had nothing but bad side effects. You know, she started popping an extra magnesium pill just before bed about a month ago, and maybe it's a coincidence, but she has been getting to sleep lots better than she did before, or at least it seems like it. Do you take magnesium before bedtime?
I sympathize with you so much to have to hear from your neurologist that "that's just the way it is". He could be right, but maybe he could say it in a somewhat more positive way? I mean, lots of people are trying ne stuff every day so you never know. I just read about something I was not aware of over in the chemo neuropathy discussion. Did you ever try PEA? Its name is Palmitoylethanolamide so better to stick with PEA. My wife and I are going to discuss it later today.
Anyway, my best to you @crappy, I mean @summertime4. Hang in there. ✌ Hank
@summertime, I'm glad you like my "handle" but do want you to know that like @jesfactsmon suggested, some days probably most of us feel @crappy too. Those days are wretched and having a safe and understanding place to vent can really help. I was starting a reply when a call came that my friend could come sit at my outdoor table to help me with my new android cell phone. Know idea if I completed the post to you and sent it or not. So if I'm repeating myself, just chalk it up to olde and forgetful, ok?
My cardiologist referred me to a neurologist for numb feet a yr ago. When tests didn't find the source of the neuropathy, the doc ordered diabetes testing which showed me pre-diabetic. Neither of these maladies were ever reported by other family members. I don't know which came first.. the cart or horse but Metformin was prescribed for the diabetes and nothing for the neuropathy.
I stopped the Metformin on my own because of continuing nausea, appetite and weight loss. Thirty lost lbs and multiple tests later, I never received a medical reason for the loss but did receive an additional diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (ckd). When it rains it pours, yes?
@rswinney, posting about "when we're in our own soup, we're in our own soup" is a good descriptor. I always say, "if your foot is broken and my hip is broken, we both hurt". And, as Rachel continued, some days our diversions work and help and others they just don't. That's when it is good to have a group like this who can listen, support and just commiserate. As she and @john wrote, it helps to remember you are not alone and others are hoping "your day gets better and better". Bet other heads were nodding in agreement as we read that one day we do more normal things and the next day we pay the price. Take care. We are here for you and each other.
I wonder what doctors would do if they felt the pain we feel
@summertime4 Good morning my friend. No apologies needed. I had a friend tell me once...when we're in our own soup, we're in our own soup! Never had I heard this expression before. Maybe she made it up? Anyhow, it describes when we just are at wits end and cant see clearly.
I'm so glad you posted. That's what we're here for. Some days we need to be lifted up from the pain in our bodies and demise in our brains. You speak the truth and need to release it.
The frustration of not being normal or being unable to count on our bodies can be overwhelming. I can of course remind you, as I need reminding myself, that calmness, meditation, journaling, and breathing techniques may help. Some days these things help me and some days they fly right out the window!
Please be kind to yourself today. Know I am sending you love, comfort and many positive vibes for strength. You are not alone. 💞