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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (6021)

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My husband Bud has suffered a long time with neuropathy.Some nights he can not even sleep. Is there any cure or help for him?

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Replies to "My husband Bud has suffered a long time with neuropathy.Some nights he can not even sleep...."

Hi @budandbarbara and may I just extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of all of us who talk about "everything neuropathy" here in our own little corner of Mayo Connect. You have come to the right place to discuss your husband Bud's issues regarding neuropathy. My personal situation is that my wife has suffered from peripheral neuropathy in both feet for over 6 years now. She mostly does not have issues sleeping, but funny this comes up now as tonight she is having a terrible time trying to get to sleep. Both her burning feet and her bad migraine are conspiring to keep her from drifting off tonight. Se is laying down right this minute hoping to fall off. She and I sleep on different shifts (I'm an early person and she hates going to bed early) so she goes to bed after I get up. When she goes to bed I sit at the foot of the bed and rub her feet gently for about 15 minutes to help take her mind off of her feet. This helps most night but not tonight for some reason. I'm going to go in there again as soon as I finish this post.

Maybe you could talk about Bud's situation a little bit as to how he came to have neuropathy, how long he has had it, what may have been its cause, has he been diagnosed (my wife never was officially diagnosed, not that it matters but just a point of reference and interest) and what kinds of things has he tried to do for it so far. I hope you can find useful info here, if nothing else its a good place to come and find sympathy and understanding as most people who are not familiar with peripheral neuropathy (PN) have no concept of what this illness is or means to a person's life. My best wishes to you and Bud. Hank

Hello @budandbarbara - I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @jesfacsmon and other members. There's no cure for neuropathy but there are a lot of different things a person can try to treat the symptoms of neuropathy. First as a husband with a wife that is my primary caregiver, I applaud you for advocating and seeking help for your husband. One suggestion I have is to learn as much as you can about your husband's neuropathy to see if you can find something that helps with his symptoms. I posted a similar suggestion for a new member directly above your post in this discussion. If you click the VIEW & REPLY button at the bottom of this email notification it will take you directly to the post and some suggestions:

Can you share more about your husband's neuropathy and the symptoms that make it hard for him to sleep?