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DiscussionLiving with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group
Neuropathy | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (6262)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "Reading this opens the door for me to update everyone on the meeting I had yesterday..."
@rwinney Thank you very much for this information Rachel. Are lidocaine infusions covered by Medicare? It’s good to know that your Dr endorses taking acetyl L Carnitine as I have seen conflicting opinions about its use. I actually bought a bottle but haven’t started taking it yet. There are some days when I feel very down but, for some reason, today I feel hopeful that there is a way forward to controlling the discomfort. I think one of the reasons for my hopeful attitude today is the support and sharing I see among members of this group, so thank you all.
@rwinney...I just saw your post! Rather disappointing. I have my appointment this week. I expect the same...it is disheartening. Will keep you updated. I am pretty much starting out on this journey so there is so much I do not know yet. It sounds so hopeless though. I did get the prescription for compounded Phenyloin 10%. Was faxed to the pharmacy. I hope to get a call soon to pick it up. I am not too impressed by the topical PEA so far but the capsules are definitely a "mood enhancer". I am surprised that by now that I have not closed myself in a closet and died from my burning feet! Right now I am dealing with wound healing on my feet due to loss of sweat glands an circulation do to no innervation from the dead and dying nerve fibers. The areas of wounds not healed is where the burning is most intense because the boundary between the dermis and epidermis is being exposed to external heat. Sweating, also controlled by these nerves that stimulate the sweat glands (mine are almost gone in my feet according to the punch biopsy results), provide about 50% of the healing mechanism of wound healing. So the calluses turned in to wounds (because I was pool jogging over an hour a day all summer and the chlorine dried out the skin even worse than the lack of sweat). I am getting Laytex waterproof swimming socks to fix this problem. I am also going to see a wound care Dr. I think this will help a lot of the burning feet problem although it will never go away...as I am slowly finding out....Sorry for the rambling but I am, as you are, frustrated beyond words. It is odd that there has been no discussion in this forum on wound healing problems due to SFN?? Not sure yet if I understand that "protocol" John and others are talking about...It sounds promising. Pam
Hi RWinney
Thanks for all the great info.
BTW, it sounds like you have a great doc.
You indicate that you take lidocaine infusions, and that the next step may be IVIG.
May I ask what your diagnosis is? I thought that IVIG was indicated for CIDP, Did you have a test which indicates you may be a candidate for IVIG?
Keep up the good work, and best of luck!
Just wanted to say that in my case I disagree with your doctor about opioids. When I was taking Fentanyl it did more good than anything else I tried.