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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 9 minutes ago | Replies (5964)

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First this site will help you find suggestions and information to discussion with your healthcare providers. Information is empowering and power helps with regaining control of your life. Search for a therapist who deals with chronic pain, not just sport and surgical injuries. It takes understanding to help us with the difficulty we deal with everyday and will not be solved with a quick fix. Firmness and resolve are needed to find what works for you. My provider changed my meds from Gabapentin to cymbalta due to balance issues and it also treats depression. Good science based website are valuable but there is a lot of garbage type of sites offering misinformation. Keep looking for helpful people and support, it is out there.

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Replies to "First this site will help you find suggestions and information to discussion with your healthcare providers...."

I was changed from gabapentin to Cymbalta & I started with 30 mg & I was just increased to 60 mg & I have been on it for 4 days now & I still don't see any improvement & I was on the 30mg for a month. I sure hope it helps bc I haven't noticed any side effects as of yet.