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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 2 days ago | Replies (6262)

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Dear Ronnie,

If your neuropathy is caused by damage to your nerves in your spine, your neurosurgeon/orthopedic surgeon will have some idea if your neuropathy can possibly be improved through more surgery.

I am now 77. My neuropathy (profound and disabling) is not caused by nerve damage in my spine. I did have a compressed nerve in 2016, and the pain was terrible (sciatic type pain down my right leg). A laminectomy on L3/4 completely and immediately stopped the pain, thank goodness.

CAUSE: According to my Immunologist, my neuropathy is caused by my Immune System attacking and damaging my nerves. The irony is that my Immune System is deficient and cannot protect me, adequately, from infection. I have IVIG every four weeks to make my immune system stronger so that I am no longer constantly sick with viral, bacterial and fungal infections.. I'm very grateful for that.

1. Driving. When I asked my neurologist, he said that is my decision, not his! I now wear braces on both legs, and can no longer drive. That is one of the worst losses I've experienced so far.

2 and 3. From my research it seems that most neuropathies cannot be stopped, cured or reversed. The exceptions occur when the neuropathy has a very specific cause that is identified early and then the cause can be eliminated. Early diagnosis is important because usually nerves that are damaged cannot be repaired.

4 and 5. My neuropathy began long before it was diagnosed in 2010. I was stumbling, tiring easily, unable to take long walks, unable to ride a bicycle, and experiencing leg cramping and tingling feet. But I was dealing with so many OTHER health issues that I thought the problems I listed above were just due to being 'out of shape'. By 2010 I had profound neuropathy from my knees down. MY LIMITATIONS: I have 20% of normal physical abilities. I wear leg braces (2016) and walk with a walker (2017.

6. I've had PT 3 times for my legs. It doesn't help, I'm sad to say.

7. Because my neuropathy is profound, the nerves no longer function at all. So I don't have pain in my legs. However, I also have small fiber neuropathy in my skin, which hurts, burns and stings. Even my face, lips, tongue and eyes lids are affected. I take 4200 mg of Gabapentin daily to control that pain.

8. My neuropathy progressed quickly, I think. It started in my legs around 2002 at the same time I had nerve damage to the system that supplies saliva and tears. I take a medication to give me some saliva and tears. I have nerve damage to my bladder (2006) which has no real treatment, skin (2015) for which I take gabapentin, and the latest diagnosis is gastrointestinal neuropathy affecting my esophagus (dysmotility and achalasia) and my small intestine which causes SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Achalasia (failure of the valve at the bottom of the esophagus to open properly) is treated with outpatient surgery (which will have to be repeated since) and SIBO is treated with antibiotics and which will return eventually and have to be treated again.

9. Surgery will not help my neuropathy since the nerves are damaged by my Immune System.

My case is an extreme example of immune mediated neuropathy. However about 30% of people with autoimmune/immune disorders have some form of neuropathy.

Hope this helps.

Regards, ElaineD

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Replies to "Dear Ronnie, If your neuropathy is caused by damage to your nerves in your spine, your..."

Hi Elaine!
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. You certainly have gone through a lot and I am impressed by your realistic take on your condition.
For me, so far, NOT driving has also been a real downer. I feel like my independence has been taken away. I haven't been driving very much during the last year, but that was because of my surgeries and my orders not to turn my head or body quickly. But, at least I knew that one day I'd be driving again. Then, I drove, just to the supermarket. Two days later I fell and that was that. I must admit I drove last week to a shop down the block for a mani-pedi. Still need my pampering..lol.
I am going to ask my doctors the same questions I asked here.
Best of luck to you!!

@elained I'm really concerned because neuropathy and arthritis seem to be taking over my whole body, but I'm determined to maintain my independence, so I want to address your issue with not being able to drive. After 7 months of not being able to drive, I was able to get (thanks to my daughter!) Kempf digital hand controls, which at the touch of a button, the vehicle reverts to the standard pedals and can be driven by anyone. It's like magic! Check the website http://www.Kempf-usa.com where you can deal directly with CEO Martine Kempf. I think she will work with you on price if you do not have insurance coverage. You can regain your independence! Looking at the photo, the inside ring on my steering wheel is my gas, and the lever on the right is my brake.

@elained Hi, I am a new member who is suffering with the symptoms of SNF and degenerative disc disease in my neck and back. I have had SNF symptoms for roughly three years and my specialist is waiting to get a brain scan to eliminate lupus. I am in Canada and the system can produce long wait times occasionally. I have been using b vitamins, Omega 3, and benfotiamine to help with the pain, along with tramadol. I am wondering if anyone here has used the system of nutritional support called The Protocol at, "the protocolworks.org". Also do you know of anyone who has developed SNF as a result of damaged cervical and back discs?

Thank you for your time.