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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: May 26 10:50am | Replies (6004)

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Thank you. Hi, I am a 64 year old female who has (for the last 3-4) months experienced symptoms such as; numbness, cold (but warm to the touch), tingling, pins & needles, burning, and painful feet and hands. I have had an EMG, but was told the results were "normal." I was also told that the results mean only that my symptoms are not being caused by measurable, damage to the peripheral nerve or nerve coverings, so the cause is still unknown. I have frequent blood work, because I have GCA & PMR (diagnosed in 11/2017), but have been told my symptoms above are not related to my AI diseases or the high doses of Prednisilone I am taking. Any ideas, thoughts or comments are welcome. Thanks

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Replies to "Thank you. Hi, I am a 64 year old female who has (for the last 3-4)..."

HI @mamici1 -- Welcome to Connect. I also have small fiber PN, as well as PMR. My PMR is currently in remission. I have no medical training or background but I think I believe a skin punch biopsy is another test that will show nerve damage that may not be detectable by an EMG. Here is a site with some information that may be helpful:

Cleveland Clinic - Skin Biopsy for Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy
-- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/17479-skin-biopsy-for-small-fiber-sensory-neuropathy

Are you currently taking any medications? The reason I mention it is that there are some drugs that are known to have a side effect of causing PN.

Medication Induced Neuropathy
-- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11910-003-0043-8

The implications of statin induced peripheral neuropathy
-- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3103035/

Statin Neuropathy Masquerading as Diabetic Autoimmune Polyneuropathy
-- http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/28/8/2082.1

Does your doctor have any ideas or information on what might be causing your recent symptoms?


A normal EMG is very typical with small fiber neuropathy. As John mentioned, a skin punch biopsy or as I had last year at Mayo, a thermoregulatory sweat test (TST) .

Hi John, Thanks so much for your response. I take the following meds/supplements: Prednisolone 30mg, Aspirin 75 mg,
which I am looking forward to. it has taken months to get this appointment as I live in the D3 1500 mg, GI Probiotic Supplement, Omega 3 w/Vit D, Magnesium Citrate 200mg, Organic Raw Bone B Complex 360 mg, Propranolol 20 mg. None of which I saw on the list (which was very helpful by the way! )

I am not on statins, but should be. My cholesterol is very high and I have the same conversation each month with my GP about staring on Simvastatin; I refuse to start taking it now with al the other issues.

As mentioned my bloods are taken every 8-10 weeks and my sugar levels have always been within normal range.

I have an appointment with a Neurologist on the 21st of this month, which I am looking forward to. It has taken a couple months to get this appointment as I live in the UK and had to beg for a referral under the NHS. ( I am an American Expat living her with my husband. )

Thank you so much for the response... It is good to know I am not alone!

Hello, Thank you that was a good tip... I will be asking the Neurologist about both, when I see him/her on the 21st of this month. Many thanks, Melissa