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UTI and Yeast Infections

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Jul 10, 2019 | Replies (41)

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I have been taking D-Mannose to suppress the almost monthly UTI's I have been getting and it has been working for over a year. Now I got another UTI and am wondering is there another supplement that is shown to be better or an upgrade too than what I have been taking ?

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Replies to "I have been taking D-Mannose to suppress the almost monthly UTI's I have been getting and..."

Hello safety shield! I see your post is 18 months old but maybe, if you are like me, you are still suffering from recurrent UTIs (bladder infections). In any case maybe my story can help others with recurrent UTIs.
Three years ago I started a series of UTIs that were treated by my GP with antibiotics. After 5 months and many infections, I saw my gynaecologist who put me on vaginal estrogen cream (absorbed locally) and my UTIs stopped. Halleluiah!
But 4 months later my GP convinced me that I should have a cystoscopy. Reluctantly I went to the hospital and the urologist put a catheter/camera into the bladder to check it out ...which then resulted in a particular bacterial infection which occurs almost exclusively in hospitalized, catheterized patients! Back on antibiotics! And the UTIs continued almost uninterrupted to this day. Damn! That is 32 infections and 32 rounds of antibiotics in 3 years!!!
Over the past 2 years I have taken charge of my condition, researching and learning so much. My standard routine involves taking a daily dose of quality probiotics, d-mannose, vitamin B and C, Probaclac, occasional oregano oil, turmeric, keeping my urine alkaline by avoiding high carb foods, increasing vegetables, keeping ultra clean and taking showers morning and night, drinking lots of water and getting exercise. I have a urinalysis requisition which I copy and have my urine tested periodically with each UTI flare up. It is seldom the same bacteria. The urologist then prescribes an antibiotic suited to the bacteria (and one I am not resistant to because now there are 5). I double check with the pharmacist to be sure it is an antibiotic that is effective for the bacteria in question. (Sometimes the urologist has been wrong...)
All along I have been very concerned about the effects of all these antibiotics on my gut biome. Since 80% of our immune system is in the colon, I have been worried about becoming increasingly defenceless against auto-immune disease and cancer etc..
My urologist and a second urologist I went to for a consultation, who do not seem to consider the serious effects of all these rounds of antibiotics wiping out the good bacteria in my gut, both said that there was only one treatment I should do and that is 6 months of half dose antibiotics!
I could not accept this. I went so far as to live with a UTI, keeping it at a low level and keeping to my protocol of probiotics, d-mannose etc.. My hope was to cure the UTI but it remained in spite of my efforts. I was warned and of course, concerned about the infection going to my kidneys which is dangerous...also because if it goes into the blood stream, it can be fatal.
After 6 weeks of working at keeping the infection at a low level (which felt like a part time job!), never feeling 100% and being constantly on guard for any discomfort in my kidneys, I went to see a urogynecologist for a 3rd opinion. He also recommended 6 months of low dose antibiotics. Because I started to feel discomfort in my kidneys, I accepted a prescription for the one dose antibiotic, Monurol.
As I left the urogynecologist's office, he handed me an ad for a new supplement on the market called UTIVA with proanthocyanidins (PACs) and said it had been scientifically studied and was supposed to be very effective. I had no faith in it whatsoever as nothing in the past had worked. To me it seemed to be like d-mannose since it was made from cranberries. I contacted the company and was told that it was not. What did I have to lose?...
I took the antibiotic and then started the once a day Utiva prevention supplement. It has been a month now with NO UTI! After 3 years of UTIs my jubilation is guarded however. Every day I use a urine test strip to see if the values are in the normal zone (which they never were) and all is normal! In another month, I should come back to this post to give an update. If this can help others, even one person, I am happy I wrote it and I wish a cure for anyone suffering from recurrent UTIs like me.

Yes, Utiva! Made in Canada, tested in the US. After 32 rounds of antibiotics for 32 UTIs, and following a strict, daily, UTI prevention protocol, I have finally found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! I had just finished the last UTI which was caused by citrobacter farmeri. I started the Utiva which my urogynecologist suggested I order on line because it showed extraordinary results...and NO UTI! Btw, Utiva is made from cranberries like d-mannose but it is not the same thing. It has 36 mg of Proanthocyanidins which prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder walls allowing it to be flushed out naturally when urinating. If I can be 'cured' after 32 UTIs, anyone can!

Hello Safetyshield, Like you, over the past 2 1/2 years I have been suffering with back to back, recurrent UTIs. 32 in all! And that means 32 rounds of antibiotics! My concern for the effects of the antibiotics extended to my gut biome and immune system (80% of which is in the gut). Was my immune system already compromised? I would get a cold that seemed to last half the winter.
The only reprieve from the UTIs has been a 4 month period when I was put on vaginal estrogen 2x/wk. But then against my better judgement, I agreed to have a cystoscopy (in hospital)...and contracted a bacteria common to hospitalized, catherized patients! Back on the antibiotics! From then on it was one UTI after another with a variety of bacteria which became resistant to 5 antibiotics...and counting! I am aware of the dangers of UTIs which can go to the kidneys...and if the bacteria gets into the blood stream, the survival rate is 50%. UTIs are a serious worldwide health concern.
Three urologists I visited looking for a miracle cure wanted me on a 6 month course of lower dose antibiotics. I showed them the results of a credible study; after the 6 months, the UTIs come right back...
Just 6 weeks ago, as I left the last urologist's office (Dr Jens-Erik Walter in Montreal), he handed me a piece of paper with an ad for a supplement called UTIVA and said that it has demonstrated amazing results. Since my on-going protocol included d-mannose, cranberry supplements, plenty of water, keeping super clean, vaginal and oral probiotics, low carb diet etc. and I had no success at preventing the return of UTIS, I had zero faith that this product would work. I went ahead and ordered it on line as he suggested. I had just taken Monurol for a UTI (bacteria: citrobacter farmeri) and began the UTIVA. Note: The doctor said it was for prevention; not treatment. So when I finished the antibiotics (it's one dose) I was UTI free (for a day or two anyway) and I started the preventative UTIVA. I fully expected within a few days to see the usual cloudy urine, urine stix results showing leucocytes and blood in the urine and experience cramping, malaise etc..but none of this happened. I didn't get a UTI...and this went on day after day, week after week! It is now 6 weeks later and all is clear. No UTI! I feel great and like a new woman after 2.5 years of hell.
Next, I was on to repairing my gut biome. Thankfully I had been taking top quality Garden of Life UTI probiotics and as always, eating plenty of vegetables and morning fruit smoothies so the stool test I had done ($500) showed my colon to be in pretty good shape. Bottom line: I am healthy, UTI and antibiotic free and I feel good! I wish the same for you, Safetyshield and anyone who suffers from recurrent UTIs. https://www.utivahealth.ca A 2nd bottom line: be your own advocate, do your own research and never give up!