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UTI and Yeast Infections

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Jul 10, 2019 | Replies (41)

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Was diagnosed with a UTI at an Urgent Care center, but I'm pretty sure I also have a yeast infection (white cottage cheese like discharge, itching and burning). I have 5 days of antibiotics for the UTI but what can I do about the yeast infection? What can I do to treat both at the same time? I am so uncomfortable I could cry and I have a full work week ahead.

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Replies to "Was diagnosed with a UTI at an Urgent Care center, but I'm pretty sure I also..."

@uncuncomfortable33- Hello and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Sorry to hear you are suffering.
There are some things listed here under lifestyle and home remedies that you might find helpful. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/urinary-tract-infection/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20353453

Did you start your antibiotics today? I wonder if you shouldn't reach out to your MD and asked if the antibiotics would knock out both infections with the one antibiotic?