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Turmeric taken with Synthroid

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: Nov 23, 2020 | Replies (18)

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I have a long history with excema, starting when I was born and doctoring until I was about 30 and learned to stay away from the irritants for me. I worked on my diet and stress and the only thing that seemed to help was citrus in the winter and sun and olive oil in the summer. I had much cortizone when I was young and X-ray treatments, as well as much ultraviolet treatment. I am allergic to many plants. Prednisone made me quite ill so I avoid that now. I suggest clean skin with olive oil or moisture cream, and avoiding stress, pampering yourself. I advise a balanced diet and lots of veggies and fruit, for everything.
I suggest a specialist in skin disorders, however it is important that you try to identify what is triggering the rash. I had many allergy tests, and that helped but over the years the allergies can change, eliminating some triggers and getting different ones. I have read that the medical world has never figured out a cure for excema in babies and children but I have desensitized and outgrown many of my allergies. I find that the sun is healing because of the ultraviolet rays but the doctors will tell you to stay out of the sun. Also creasote is very healing on the skin. Olive oil is wonderful. Lots of sleep is good. I have lived a long life despite infections and swelling. Right now I have itching on my eyelids but no visible rash. I can't use medicines there. I think diet helps, especially grapefruit and other citrus. I had my cancerous thyroid removed ten years ago and live on low doses of Synthroid to prevent more cancer. I have little energy but I stay cheerful and avoid stress. One more thing. Bathe in soft water only. No hard well water. The sun in Florida in February helps very much. But I am skipping it this winter because of the virus. I have survived breast cancer and thyroid cancer. I have my skin checked every six months to remove any basal cell spots that appear. I have had one squamous cell on my face which was very deep. I still look pretty good in the face at 85. Maybe that's the best anyone can do living on a farm with many toxic weeds. I should be living in Arizona but I am in the midwest which I love. Dorisena

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Replies to "I have a long history with excema, starting when I was born and doctoring until I..."

Glad you are doing well. It's all rather confusing, this life. I rely on the Lord to see me through the chaos of body, mind, and spirit.