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Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma tumor (Pxa): help

Brain Tumor | Last Active: Dec 9, 2023 | Replies (132)

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@colleenyoung thank you for reaching out to me. Yes it has been a long But yet very short journey.. she was my rock, strength and happiness. She was my special one and our bond and relationship was something fierce. I feel like I didn’t do my job as a mother and protect her or save her from this nasty cancer. I still can’t believe that she’s gone. I can’t see my life with out her. I just want to be with her... I cry to her and ask for her strength to get me through this. It’s a nightmare..

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Replies to "@colleenyoung thank you for reaching out to me. Yes it has been a long But yet..."

Danielle, pasé por la pérdida de mi hijo hace ahora tres años. Comprendo perfectamente lo que dices. Nosotros estuvimos en un grupo de duelo y fue de gran ayuda. Yo también me sentí muy culpable de no haber podido hacer que mi hijo sobreviviera. Con el tiempo me he ido liberando de la culpa y ahora me queda un hermoso recuerdo de mi hijo, de lo vivido, siempre lo siento cerca, aunque a veces siento punzadas de dolor. Deja que te llegue su fuerza y que te acompañe en este camino que recorrerás. Un abrazo.
Danielle, I went through the loss of my son three years ago now. I understand perfectly what you say. We were in a grieving group and it was very helpful. I also felt very guilty about not being able to make my son survive. Over time I have been free of guilt and now I have a beautiful memory of my son, of what I have lived, I always feel close, although sometimes I feel pangs of pain. Let your strength reach you and accompany you on this path you will travel. A hug.