Laser Therapy for Neuropathy

Posted by mikween @mikween, Jun 14, 2017

Has anyone ever heard of Laser Therapy for Neuropathy?

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Hi @swiss, I saw a YouTube video on Dr. Terry Wahl's channel that was an interview with a man that built a near infrared sauna for his health problems and it made me think of you. I thought you had mentioned you built your own LED light therapy device? Anyway, it worked so well for him he built several for friends and then started his own company to market the product. I am thinking of purchasing the single light product for use when I'm on my computer and also to warm my feet and hopefully give the supplements I take a boost. I don't know if anyone else has tried one of these units but it would be interesting to find out. The sauna version is out of my price range but the single one is not too pricey.



Hi @mikween, I had looked into laser therapy or a form of it a year or so ago when I started looking for solutions to my neuropathy (no pain, just numbness/tingling in both legs and feet). I had a friend that went to the one in the suburbs of Minneapolis and feels like it has helped her. I checked into it but didn't get the feeling it would work for me. It's an ongoing treatment program with each treatment running $125 to $175 (somewhere in that range if I am remembering correctly) and it takes between 8 and 12 treatments before you normally see any results according to the person I talked with at the company. None of it is covered by insurance. I determined quickly that it wasn't for me just because of the discussion with the people and the iffy wording from them. There is also a combined laser therapy with a nutrition program that made a little more sense to me but again it's a chiropractor and staff so I'm not too me a skeptic. I suppose if I had unlimited finances it might be an option just to try.

Here's a search link from Google Scholar for laser therapy for neuropathy:

I'm not saying it won't work but I would do a lot of research before deciding. Are you looking at a specific laser therapy provider for treatment?

Good luck whatever you decide! Can you keep us updated?


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Hi from Switzerland, I have tried laser therapy with a specially made scanner laser giving infra red laser emission distribured evenly over feet and leggs - with discussed parameters of 3 to 4 joules per cm2 my burning pain level increased significantly on day 1 and 2, when reducing this dose to 1 J/cm2 the burning sensation appeared again on day 1 only - so that I stopped after a few weeks. With new scientific results being published I am encouraged to try again with a lower dosis and a lower output power level in order to obtain a reaction which is below increasing burning pain - and see if by reducing to 2 treastments only instead of every 2nd day I may obtain better results myself. I am on opioides but follow the protocoll for about one year, have tried everything under the sun such as acupuncture, laser, TENS, EMS, physio therapy, medical massage, osteopathy I am trying out diets, walk my dog regularly and make exerecises on my home trainer, vibration platform and many dry exercises in my room so that I stay mobile with my 78 years. I think moving and dieting can help a lot, I will now try stem cell therapy which is difficult to find in Europe in where as Texas allows clinics to offer stem cell injections (of your own stem cells out of your own fat after liposuction and centrifugal extraction of the required cells.. Sounds very promising, anyone having experience in stem cell therapy, please let me know. I am looking for a European solution as travelling over seas in my age and stage of physical health is not what I want to go throgh. I heard of offers in eastern european countries like Czechia, Hungary, but also Germany and Belgium are preparing for this promissing therapy, we will see. Hope this was of any help to you.


Hi @mikween, It sounds like you met with the doctors that do the foot drop operation and they said it had been too long? I know you must be really disappointed and rightly so. Did they offer any kind of treatment that will help?


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I have been doing laser therapy at my Physical Therapy for a month or two now. The specifications are 99mWatts power and 830 nanometers wavelength. I can't say it has helped any, but I don't think it has hurt. I have painful neuropathy all over my feet, legs, hands, and arms. I am still doing the treatments. I have looked into buying a laser of my own, but they run anywhere from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars, and I am not sure the cheaper ones are any good. Hope this helps.


I bought what was called a cold laser for peripheral neuropathy, and the seller allowed me to keep getting stronger ones. Finally I gave up, because they did nothing. Maybe at the chiropractor, they are different. what I purchased, did nothing. No help whatsoever.

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Hi @theresas, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Just wondering if you have neuropathy? If so, have you undergone laser therapy to treat it?


My neuropathy started in my right foot and so I went to a podiatrist for answers. After a few sessions of alcohol injections failed to relieve the pain from a presumed neuroma, a biopsy was taken to rule out neuropathy. The biopsy proved I had an acute case of peripheral neuropathy and so my podiatrist suggested a month of cold laser therapy, followed by a warm water bath in a device called an aquaroll. The laser treatments were 15 minutes on the one foot. The beam is in the infrared wavelength and pumped to 15 Watts, which seemed surprisingly high. I could not see the other settings on the laser console like frequency, and pulse duration, but the entire session pumped around 12,000 joules into my foot and calf.
The aquaroll system came next. You stick your foot into something resembling a cement mixer with about 20,000 small glass beads inside, mixed in warm water. The machine then tumbled at about 20 RPM while you move you foot around trying to stimulate all areas.
I felt as though these session were helping to alleviate my neuropathy pain, but I was tring to figure out the efficacy of different medications and topical ointments at the same time.


I am going to try this foot doctors Laser Therapy This is what he say on his page :We are proud to be on the medical technological forefront by offering MLS Laser Therapy as a treatment for Neuropathy. This treatment uses wavelengths of light to treat painful and debilitating conditions. This treatment is given to our patients to help manage the pain from Neuropathy. MLS Laser Therapy helps Neuropathy by releasing endorphins that reduce pain, reduces swelling, increases blood flow and stimulates repair and regrowth of nerve tissue. It cost $650 for 13 treatments but he told me if I do not feel any relief after 2 or 3 treatments he will refund my money, so I figure what do I have to loose. I will let yall know how it goes. I am in so much pain I do not care how much it cost, He also put me on some Hormones plus supplements.

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Hi there! I just started MLT lazer for my feet. How did you do with that?? Love to know. I plan on following through the 12 treatments (3x a week).


Hi there! I just started MLT lazer for my feet. How did you do with that?? Love to know. I plan on following through the 12 treatments (3x a week).

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How much are you guys paying for your treatments or ones you have had isn’t he past?


Hi @mikween, I had looked into laser therapy or a form of it a year or so ago when I started looking for solutions to my neuropathy (no pain, just numbness/tingling in both legs and feet). I had a friend that went to the one in the suburbs of Minneapolis and feels like it has helped her. I checked into it but didn't get the feeling it would work for me. It's an ongoing treatment program with each treatment running $125 to $175 (somewhere in that range if I am remembering correctly) and it takes between 8 and 12 treatments before you normally see any results according to the person I talked with at the company. None of it is covered by insurance. I determined quickly that it wasn't for me just because of the discussion with the people and the iffy wording from them. There is also a combined laser therapy with a nutrition program that made a little more sense to me but again it's a chiropractor and staff so I'm not too me a skeptic. I suppose if I had unlimited finances it might be an option just to try.

Here's a search link from Google Scholar for laser therapy for neuropathy:

I'm not saying it won't work but I would do a lot of research before deciding. Are you looking at a specific laser therapy provider for treatment?

Good luck whatever you decide! Can you keep us updated?


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What place did you look into getting treatment, needing more info on pricing

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