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I have recently been diagnosed with sIBM and would love to talk about any effective activities/choices to mitigate the problems living with this untreatable Autoimmune disease. Certainly there is the push for non-stop workouts to build muscle. Are there diets, supplements, vitamins, specific "dos and don'ts", weather, etc. that make any difference? It would be great to share experiences.

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Replies to "I have recently been diagnosed with sIBM and would love to talk about any effective activities/choices..."

“They” say that none of the things you mentioned really make any difference. Yes, exercise but only until you feel tired. In other words exercise for us is the opposite of “no pain no gain”, if you feel pain they say stop. I exercise each day and feel like it has made a difference but that’s just a feeling. In other words I feel like I’m making a difference by walking and doing arm and hand exercises.

Diet is just to be “balanced“, eat a healthy diet is all I’ve been able to find out. I have read no more than 30% of your diet should be fat, and I make sure to add protein shakes to my daily routine.

I’m averaging about 3000 steps a day which is about 500 steps a day less than a year ago.

I was diagnosed about 15 months ago, I have noticed slight declines in all categories, but I feel good.

Prayer has brought me the most strength, I am a Christian man.

A small group of us have started a new nonprofit to try and raise money for stem cell therapy and other cutting edge research.

It’s a brand new organization and the website is still under construction but should be operational in the next 30 days.


If interested in communicating more my email and phone number is on that website.

I was diagnosed about 18 months ago but was having issues before that. Original diagnosis was ALS. I stay as active as possible without getting fatigued, do not over do it. I'm trying to maintain skeletal muscle with keeping up my protein while trying to limit my fats to 30%.
I started a 501c3 nonprofit to try and help in a small way to bring awareness to IBM and perhaps help fund the next study.

Sad fact is that there is not a cure and no effective treatments. Take care of yourself and do all you can to NOT FALL. Get a cane, walker, modify the house, do whatever you need to avoid a fall.

If you'd like to help with some cutting edge research the following is one option: http://www.gettingup.org

My contact information is on that site if you'd like to reach out.