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Alzheimer's and DNR

Caregivers: Dementia | Last Active: Jul 11, 2017 | Replies (23)

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Hello again @gigi76. You bring up a very good point and ask a very important question. In my personal opinion, I agree with @colleenyoung that it is never too early, especially with dementia or dementia-symptom diseases for advance directives, DNRs, etc. to be discussed, written, and put into place.

My wife had a DNR, which she decided upon, along with her POA, personal decisions regarding her funeral, etc. and put them in writing within days of her diagnosis. These actions on her part took a great deal of worry and potential difficulty away from her loved ones as her diseased progressed.

My MIL on the other hesitated on these decisions and then one day she was not cognizant enough and the opportunity was gone.

Again, just my personal situation, but I have my own POA, medical directives, living will, DNR, etc. all written and in place.

Peace and strength

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Replies to "Hello again @gigi76. You bring up a very good point and ask a very important question...."

Thank you, Scott. I've never thought of a DNR for myself, but we both have all of the other paperwork in place.