Post-lumbar puncture symptoms - pain & dizziness

Posted by Ryman @ryman, May 6, 2017

I have been diagnosed with Lyme and Sarcoidosis. Tuesday I had A spinal tap. The next 3 days I had worse pain in my head and eyes and more dizziness. My doctor thought it might be a spinal fluid leak and sent me to the ER. They said if Ihad one it was probably small and it was greater risk to fix it than to let it heal itself. They told me to take Tylenol and drink as much caffeine as possible. Fortunately I drink a lot of coffee. I am a little better today. But the bloodwork was extremely painful, the worst ever. I have noticed in the last few weeks that my tolerance for pain is not so good as it used to be. Was wondering if anyone else has noticed that?

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@ryman The post-lumbar puncture symptoms you mentioned are really quite normal. I had a lumbar puncture a number of years ago and found bed rest and copious amount of Cola (for the caffeine) helped, but I still had a 3 day headache and felt nauseous during that time. The side-effects eventually wore off, but it was difficult for the first few days. It is best to keep still and don't try to keep up with your usual activity level. Best wishes. Teresa


@ryman The post-lumbar puncture symptoms you mentioned are really quite normal. I had a lumbar puncture a number of years ago and found bed rest and copious amount of Cola (for the caffeine) helped, but I still had a 3 day headache and felt nauseous during that time. The side-effects eventually wore off, but it was difficult for the first few days. It is best to keep still and don't try to keep up with your usual activity level. Best wishes. Teresa

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Thank you. It has improved over the last two days.

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