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Scoliosis - Introduce yourself and meet others

Spine Health | Last Active: Nov 14, 2024 | Replies (443)

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i to had it at a young age of 15, back in 1976. it was done at Chicago Children's Memorial. I had a 48 degree curve, in the thoracic region. i am now 59 yrs. young have always had neck pain, and hip pain from the bone graft, back around the age of 40 I started having alot of low back pain. been in pain management for yrs. I got cut off of pain meds, I feel your pain trust me I simply don't know what to do about it I stopped going to my pain Dr. if they can't treat me with every day pain, they will NOT get another dollar from my insurance. HELP ME I will not have any more poking, or prodding, or surgeries

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Replies to "i to had it at a young age of 15, back in 1976. it was done..."

Consider CBD capsuals.

I’m fused S1-T2, C4-5-6. I have pain every day all day. Sometimes puts me in the hospital on a pain med drip until it unclenches. I have found that exercises each specific muscle group in my back helps immensely. I have big rubber bands that I use. I also do the core (Tummy, butt, Kegel). I do them four or five times a day and use Voltaren cream. I’m surviving!

I hear you about not wanting more surgery. Do you live in a state with medical or otherwise legal marijuana? I know people who swear by it. Are you a candidate for a spinal cord stimulator or similar? I had one and it really helps. Yes, it’s invasive, but it was a day surgery. Movem3nt restrictions afterwards for quite awhile until things heal, but I had minimal discomfort. Acetaminophen took care of it. It has helped me so much, no regrets.