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Question regarding lung surgery

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Apr 9, 2021 | Replies (60)

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Hi Jen
My story is close to yours. I'm off meds for cavitary MAC after just a year. Mayo doctor said there is a 40% chance of reoccurrence. She also said, if it does come back, she'd want me to consider surgery.
I had many side effects from meds. Off them for 10 days and I'm having stomach aches on and off, usually daily. I think my gut bacteria is messed up and I have yeast (many infections and thrush tongue) I feel like my gut is worse now, and not sure if going off some bacteria rebounds and you don't have good bacteria you need. Waiting it out.
But, I can't imagine surgery if you are ok. My cavity did get very thin walled and looks like a cyst. I'm sure you'll have many questions!
When's the appointment ?
All the best. So happy you are better.

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Replies to "Hi Jen My story is close to yours. I'm off meds for cavitary MAC after just..."

Hi Kay, we have emailed (Jen Blalock) and are pretty much in the same boat. Thank you for your response. The appointment has come and gone and have decided against surgery for now. If I get reinfected, we will see then. I am assuming I won't get reinfected which I know is just wishful thinking but rather assume I won't than I will. Gotta live this life. xxoo

Hi Kay, Dr. Huitt at NJH said our but bacteria would be messed up forever after having been on all those antibiotics for so long. I've been off for 4 months now and still take my probiotics and make my own yogurt that I try either eat or add to a protein drink daily. By try, I mean that I usually do but sometimes I get busy and forget. 🙂 I hope your stomach issues clear up!