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Question regarding lung surgery

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Apr 9, 2021 | Replies (60)

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Hi @cila,
It has been awhile. I'm glad to see that you felt you come back to the forum with your questions and news about the meds not working. I'm tagging @tdrell as she gets care at NJH and may be able to answer your questions. I'd also like to bring other members we haven't heard from in a while -- @justjanet @heathert and @imeehaigt

@lindaaz can you tell us a bit more about the infusions? What are they like? What are the side effects? How many more will you have and how often?

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Replies to "Hi @cila, It has been awhile. I'm glad to see that you felt you come back..."

Hi, had a hard time finding this again....(.Az. is three hours earlier than the east coast now...).
.The infusions are done at the cancer center.......Everyone there is attached to an IV for whatever their problem is .....Chemo included.....My treatment lasts about 31/2 hours......It goes in the hand vein.....It's not painful......They determine the amount by your weight......If you are small it takes longer......so for me it is longer.......I usually don't have any side effects after.....maybe tired for a while....
They normal range is 694-1618mg/dl......I started around 250-300....I am now at 754...I have that reading after 5 sessions......They want me to be at 1000......If I get there they may stretch out the time....Now I do it every month......I don't think you get to stop because you don't make it yourself.....so ii will just go back to the low point.....back to square one!
I am just in the beginning of the antibiotics so do not know how everything is going to work out....I start the Rifampin Monday......and I am also on
coumadin which brings its own set of worries,,,,,,Has anyone else been on blood thinner while doing the therapy?????
Hope this clears up the infusion info.....