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Small Fiber Neuropathy: What helps?

Neuropathy | Last Active: May 17 2:03pm | Replies (284)

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...hope you get your needed increase in pain meds today and that they will soon bring some relief for you; my day turned itself upside down, now have heating pad on belly and back and a cold pack on right side of face which feels numb but actually isnt: so many things it could be on top of what I already have.... then my anxiety kicks in and the tears which don't help: I am not a jealous person but I must say I envied the many folk walking past our house today - it was cold - but sunny..... walking their dogs and laughing..... I really don't envisage that for myself any more.... well only almost 7pm but that's it for me tonight, again, our clocks go ahead an hour tomorrow in Ontario: wish they would stop that.... oh must be feeling slightly better as starting to complain: take care poppsy1 and everyone, and especially those who had a really bad day: the Ides of March? J.

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Replies to "...hope you get your needed increase in pain meds today and that they will soon bring..."

Hi Lacy Meds help a little, trying to stay calm. Have to limit myself by just walking around my flat, eg making drink etc. Scared to walk any further as pains around my sensative area's will shout at me. So very sorry your having a rough time Lacy, its so unjust. I beleive that for us all its the unpredictably of what we are going to be faced with every waking day. I'm with you on the subject of being envious of others going about their daly buisness. What we would give to be in their shoes. Im going to try and cheer myself up a bit by having my favourite meal Fish and Chips, bread and butter. ( Chip Butty) Take Care Big Hugs!