Severe GERD

Posted by megagrif @megagrif, Mar 24, 2017

Severe GERD has been my enemy for 15 years.
Doctors prescribed and I've taken the usual, and well known meds for GERDS, but none have given me any long term relief. The gas, nausea, stomach gurgling, stomach pain, bloating, indigestion, and gastritis had become my new normal. I've had all the usual tests for stomach, colon, and whatever else.....Results Always GERD! I think I've taken every med for GERD.
I stopped taking Prilosec six weeks ago after hearing, and reading negative reports on the long term use of these medicines.
Was seeing my Primary Physician for my yearly physical, and he questioned me about the Toprol 50mg XL. He asked me if the meds made me feel lethargic, depressed, any indigestion, any gas. My answer was YES, YES, AND YES to all the above. He gave no comments, but his questions caused some concerns for me and I called my Cardiologist with my concerns....taking Toprol for rapid heartbeat. Shared my concerns with my Cardiologist and he advised me to take half/25mg pill before bedtime.....I was taking pill in the AM after breakfast.....breakfast is a bowl of instant grits. Heartbeat has always been rapid after meals and I'd start to associate eating with heartrate. I had some serious indigestion and heartburn 2 weeks ago and tried the new Duo Fusion Chewables by Zantac. AND WHAT A RELIEF!!!!!! I now chew one Fusion after meals and absolutely NO Gas, No Indigestion, No Heartburn, AND NO RAPID HEARTBEAT.
I could get my heart rate down if I could manage to get that long belch out, the one that starts at the bottom of the leftside of my diaphragm and travels up and out....feels so good, but the Fusion prevents the buildup of air/gas for me.
The Fusion is the BEST and I feel GREAT. I'm no longer limiting my foods to white rice, green beans, and grilled salmon.....this has been my main meal for about 3 years, at least four times a week. CAN'T EAT ANY FRUITS, DAIRY PRODUCTS(Lactose Intolerant), most vegetables, wheat, nothing Red, and most breads, I'm okay with eating Flat Bread. No juices, nor sodas, but ok with Ginger Ale.
Do you think it's okay to chew the Fusion daily which gives me so much RELIEF? I don't believe they would be as harmful as taking the prescribed meds for so many years and had no healing nor relief.

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I have been blessed with a full head of hair, so thankfully that is one area I don't need help. Firstly, I would like to point out that it is not the Paleo Diet, but the Paleo autoimmune protocol. I never purchased a book but just google it and read the Paleo Mom's writings. If it is too difficult start with Dr. Hyman or Dr. Kresser's diets, but the diets without the supplements helped a lot but never treated my gerd. When I added the probiotics and supplements by Gerd disappeared. I can have 2 cups of coffee, alcohol and zero Gerd. Keep in mind there is also the FODMAP diet. Everyone is different, and you need to find what is right for you. Good luck.


@doron, do you think i should get a paleo book? And if so, which one, or just use Cris Kresser's website? I dont suppose this helped your hair did it? Im losing mine.

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I was also losing my hair and I have very thick hair, turns out it was my thyroid. Once I corrected my health by cutting out fruit, my thyroid went from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid which can cause hair loss. I also am on a modified Paleo diet but do not eat fruit, honey ect. It has been amazing, lower A1C, thyroid is correcting itself, no more bloating, have not taken a acid reducer since, leg cramps are gone! Just had blood work done, at 64 it's finally all perfect!!


Okay, so much for posting 6 days acid free. It came back and my suffering is back for the last 4 days, even though I haven't changed anything. Here's my question: When I am suffering... it is almost constant... 24/7. Eating is my trigger... not eating is my trigger. Some foods are worse but almost all foods are triggers. Is this heartburn if it's constant? Either I'm doing well or I'm not doing well. To all those posting, what is it if it's almost constant? Anything that helps like Chamomile tea or DGL tablets or anything only help a little and only for a short while.


@betterb4, go to er, make sure its not a HA. I just wanted a GI cocktail when i went to the er. They put pain killers in with your cocktail. Works real good. If youve taken all your esophagus meds and pain is not going away, get to the er. Judy. I would never let myself suffer for 4 days straight, not even 1. It hurts too damn much. Now go.


Are you saying that Anti acids and Proton pump inhibitors don't work for you? If that is the case, I cannot relate and don't feel qualified to answer. I was on both Zantac and Prilosec and they worked, and all food was a trigger for me when I forgot to take the pills. Since then my diet, supplements, and probiotics ensure I don't have gerd and I don't take any meds anymore.


Okay, so much for posting 6 days acid free. It came back and my suffering is back for the last 4 days, even though I haven't changed anything. Here's my question: When I am suffering... it is almost constant... 24/7. Eating is my trigger... not eating is my trigger. Some foods are worse but almost all foods are triggers. Is this heartburn if it's constant? Either I'm doing well or I'm not doing well. To all those posting, what is it if it's almost constant? Anything that helps like Chamomile tea or DGL tablets or anything only help a little and only for a short while.

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Mine pain was constant, Was on meds since the 90's, had to keep increasing dosage and changing to stronger meds. Can never get off them because of rebound. Finally had LINX procedure and still had to take Zantac twice a day or constant burning, burping, pain and gas. I've been on Paleo for several years but it turned out to be fruit that was causing all the problems, like I said above after cutting out the fruit I've been off all meds, no pain except when I eat any fruit. I was tested for it at Mayo but was negative. Tests aren't always accurate. Try eliminating one food group at a time, it could be carbohydrate, lactose or fructose intolerance.


Okay, so much for posting 6 days acid free. It came back and my suffering is back for the last 4 days, even though I haven't changed anything. Here's my question: When I am suffering... it is almost constant... 24/7. Eating is my trigger... not eating is my trigger. Some foods are worse but almost all foods are triggers. Is this heartburn if it's constant? Either I'm doing well or I'm not doing well. To all those posting, what is it if it's almost constant? Anything that helps like Chamomile tea or DGL tablets or anything only help a little and only for a short while.

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What is the LINX procedure? I have terrible gas bloating ulcers colon polyps and hemoroids. Am on protonix which is helping my ulcers but still have terrible stomach pains gas and bloating. Also have IBS. Considering starting FODMAP diet. Am getting desperate. Any suggestions would be very welcome. THANKYOU


Okay, so much for posting 6 days acid free. It came back and my suffering is back for the last 4 days, even though I haven't changed anything. Here's my question: When I am suffering... it is almost constant... 24/7. Eating is my trigger... not eating is my trigger. Some foods are worse but almost all foods are triggers. Is this heartburn if it's constant? Either I'm doing well or I'm not doing well. To all those posting, what is it if it's almost constant? Anything that helps like Chamomile tea or DGL tablets or anything only help a little and only for a short while.

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It is a ring like device that is surgically put on your esophagus, it has a magnet and keeps closed but allows food to go down. I would diffiently try diet first. Cut out food groups a few weeks at a time, such as diary, fruit, gluten and all carbs ect. I eat Paleo now but no fruit and it has made all the difference.


Okay, so much for posting 6 days acid free. It came back and my suffering is back for the last 4 days, even though I haven't changed anything. Here's my question: When I am suffering... it is almost constant... 24/7. Eating is my trigger... not eating is my trigger. Some foods are worse but almost all foods are triggers. Is this heartburn if it's constant? Either I'm doing well or I'm not doing well. To all those posting, what is it if it's almost constant? Anything that helps like Chamomile tea or DGL tablets or anything only help a little and only for a short while.

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Thankyou so much for your quick response. I have eliminated gluten and dairy. Don't like to eat anything anymore because whatever I eat hurts me. Just got the FODMAP app so going to try that. I'm severely constipated so started eating prunes. That didn't go too well. I'm willing to try anything. Don't understand why food seems to trigger this. I used to be able to eat everything. I'm 67 so maybe age is against me. But I always had a bum stomach. Just getting so much worse. Thankyou so much for replying


Okay, so much for posting 6 days acid free. It came back and my suffering is back for the last 4 days, even though I haven't changed anything. Here's my question: When I am suffering... it is almost constant... 24/7. Eating is my trigger... not eating is my trigger. Some foods are worse but almost all foods are triggers. Is this heartburn if it's constant? Either I'm doing well or I'm not doing well. To all those posting, what is it if it's almost constant? Anything that helps like Chamomile tea or DGL tablets or anything only help a little and only for a short while.

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@nanny23, if you do consider the LINX procedure be aware that they cannot do it if you have a hiatal hernia that is too large (i.e., 3-4 cm) and that some insurance companies won't pay for it because they consider the procedure to be too new.

I hope you find some relief soon, and I'm hoping the app you are starting to use is beneficial. Please keep us posted with how that works for you.

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