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bone cancer symptoms

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Jul 5, 2018 | Replies (13)

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I've been having pretty bad hip and back pain, my oncologist recommended stopping tamoxifen which I did for >5 weeks but pain persists. He told me to restart tamoxifen and see my primary dr. I hate the anxiety as much as the pain

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Replies to "I've been having pretty bad hip and back pain, my oncologist recommended stopping tamoxifen which I..."

Hi @lap0330, I know what you mean about the anxiety of the unknown. I'm tagging @cindylb and @wandering on this post for their thoughts.

Hip and back pain are certainly worrisome. Can you update us on the followup? Were any scans ordered? Did you restart Tamoxifen? Would be great to hear from you.

Oh, how I identify with the ANXIETY aspect of breast cancer. I was diagnosed with 2A, E+P+HR- cancer in 12/16. Lumpectomy 1/26/17, nodal dissection 2/6/17 (16 negative nodes) because sentinel node was positive. Opted out of chemo and had 36 radiation treatments and then began Arimidex 5/17. I am crippled by fear and anxiety. Every twinge, pain or unusual symptom I attribute to my cancer reoccurring. Tomorrow is my 18 month post diagnosis mammogram and I feel as though I will receive a death sentence. Anxiety and depression are not new to me. I have taken Lexapro and Welbutrin since well before my diagnosis, but I did not feel this kind of doom and gloom, day in and day out. Should I face metastatic breast cancer I don't think I could handle it. But then, I didn't think I could handle the breast cancer diagnosis, either. Sorry I did not stay on topic, but when I read of your anxiety, it just spilled out. I too have intermittent pain in my back, ankles and knees but manage to blame it on the Arimidex. I am wishing you well, lap0330 and hoping for the very best outcome for you. Molly Miller

Scan-xiety is real. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, @mollymiller. Please check back in pre, during and/or post mammogram.

Thank you Colleen. Today I had the energy to pursue one of my few hobbies ~ Taking pictures of Food Trucks at various festivals, etc. I may have walked 1/2 mile in the heat ~ Now I have 40 pictures to download and choose for my albums. I am tired but content and hoping that I can have a clean-ish bill of health after mammo tomorrow.

@mollymiller How did it go today? How are you doing?

THANK YOU for asking! All was well, although I needed a second x-ray to clarify something. In the end , all was OK. However, yesterday I over did it in the heat and too much exercise, so today I am really exhausted. Yesterday I really needed to be focused on something other than my mammogram today, so I paid a bit of the price today. BUT~ Now I have 9 months until my next mammogram. I am feeling so relieved.Thank you, Colleen. When do you have time to take care of all of us? SO glad you are there, my dear. ~ Fondly.Molly PS~ Time for an early and air conditioned bed time...Hubby is in Florida after we found out the results and our puppy is more than ready to head to a cool sleep.