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Living with lung cancer - Introduce yourself & come say hi

Lung Cancer | Last Active: Feb 18 4:48pm | Replies (1051)

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You are so brave to speak up and share your story. I understand your anger, frustration and fears...I had a similar story 11 years ago!
The unfair stigma is horrible even for those of us Who Never Smoked! We all know smoking is very bad, right? But how many people know nicotine is the most addictive substance on the planet? I learned that in Nicotine rehab, even though I never smoked...just
days after surgery to remove a 3cm tumor, all of my upper left lung lobe and a wedge in my lower left lung lobe. 11 years ago there
was only 15% chance of living after lung cancer diagnosis. Two years before my diagnosis, I had a chocking cough and local doctors would not listen to me or give me chest X-ray! I thought I had SARS or TB due to my career and international traveling.

There is hope...because research has come such a long way and people are living after proper diagnosis and proper treatment.

Honestly, traveling to a facility like MD Anderson or Mayo Clinic is worthwhile, a second opinion maybe saving your life and your quality of life and mental sanity. It sounds like you have spunk! What are you waiting for?

I traveled to Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN. A team of doctors and staff listened with care and compassion and my thorasic team follows me to this day, with great care and respect. The cost in comparison to private practice where we live is triple the price and to this day the care where we live is very poor for lung cancer. I have seen friends who refuse to "get out of Dodge" and die a horrible death. The people I have convinced to go to a medical research hospital like Mayo Clinic are living and thriving, like me!

So pack up the husband and drive...you may be able to find discounted hotel on HOTWIRE.com. Purchase a parking pass all to save money. If you decide to fly Delta has a Mayo Clinic special flight fare and you can change the dates. Also, there are often facilities who will provide free housing as well.
Let's stay connected. I know you can do this...but find a medical team who live for lungs and are compassionate. My favorite question to surgeons is: "So, how many of these procedures have you done?" At Mayo Clinic my favorite answer was "We have done 2,500 VATS procedures and 5,000 lung transplants!": The best news is with the brilliant medical minds and loving support, I am alive and thriving today. Lung Cancer Became My Blessing! Take that anger to the best facility you can find.If they won't give you an appointment, drive to their medical hospital and ask for a lung health specialist. While in the waiting rooms think about reading the book: Stress Free Living by Dr Amit Sood and then pass the book onto your loved ones and friends. Look at this as an amazing lesson. Be kind.


Take care and Cyber Hugs,

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Replies to "You are so brave to speak up and share your story. I understand your anger, frustration..."

Thank you so much for replying, Linda. I can it get my mind past this. Messaged most of my doctors. The only one I trust here is my GI Doctor. He wrote and said wait for the results of the tests but is concerned they see it in lymph nodes. Nobody mentioned lymph nodes to me jyst showed me the 3 spots on the liver. I cannot see us traveling, esp to the East Coast. Unfortunately, my husband is having health issues and had a stent put in a couple of months ago and stupidly having issues with his BP. Our kids do not live close to us and have their own lives and jobs. My PCP sent a message they can do hete what they do at Stanford. There are very few decent doctors or Specialists in the Central Valley and more and more have to go to the Bay Area. My neighbor had to take her husband over there again today. Hard to believe but a friend died of lung cancer a couple of years ago, a bit younger, smoker. Got a call just 3 nights ago another friend passed of lung cancer, 68, probably quit smoking 40 years ago and she was going to Stanford! Some part of me is angry only because I took care of fami,y and my parents for years. My mother passed at age 95 almost two years ago. Oh, I would not have done things differently but this was the first time in years I had nobody to worry about and now this. And, I am so damn upset and nervous. I am smoking!!!