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Cricoid Chondrosarcoma

Head & Neck Cancer | Last Active: Mar 16, 2022 | Replies (46)

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Deborah, I had Laryngeal chondrosarcoma and presented with a hoarse voice and difficulty breathing. I saw 8 world class surgeons throughout the US and fortunately I met Dr. Eric Moore at Mayo. He was the only surgeon who had an approach that had a high probability of a successful outcome preserving all functionality. He removed my tumor in its entirety, opened my airway and preserved the one remaining vocal cord and kept in tact the paralyzed vocal cord so that I could breathe, eat and speak. I had a temporary trach that I was able to remove post op after a couple of months. I urge you to visit with Dr. Eric Moore at Mayo, he was the answer to my prayers. Jeff

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Replies to "Deborah, I had Laryngeal chondrosarcoma and presented with a hoarse voice and difficulty breathing. I saw..."

Jeff, Thank you so much for your detailed reply. It's very encouraging to hear of your successful surgery, especially as there are so few people with this cancer. I had surgery two weeks ago with Dr. Jan Kasperbauer at Rochester. I left the hospital with a temporary trach as well. Did you have any additional surgeries to reduce granulation and swelling? Deb