Herniated disk and pain. What helps?

Posted by pedaboo @pedaboo, Feb 24, 2017

Hi, I'm @pedaboo, new on here. MRI in October showed herniated disk. Physical therapy eventually helped by January. After a week of relative comfort, pain came back with a vengeance. Prescription lidocaine patches and OxyContin (took it for just a day, 1 pill every 5 hours) did nothelp. 3 sessions over 2 weeks with acupuncture doesn't help yet. Chiropractor???

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@pedaboo I would suggest you find a GOOD pain management doctor WHILE you are seeking solutions. Sometimes the pain interferes with our ability to think clearly (i.e. problem solve) and by mediating the pain, we can seek good solutions. You have to be cautious also about over medicating, which also muddles the mind. It's a fine line. I can tell you this though. Once I was able to alleviate my horrific back pain I was then able to get to the cause of the pain. I did go to one doc who was no help before finding my current doc who is a Godsend. Very caring.
Best to you!


@pedaboo I would suggest you find a GOOD pain management doctor WHILE you are seeking solutions. Sometimes the pain interferes with our ability to think clearly (i.e. problem solve) and by mediating the pain, we can seek good solutions. You have to be cautious also about over medicating, which also muddles the mind. It's a fine line. I can tell you this though. Once I was able to alleviate my horrific back pain I was then able to get to the cause of the pain. I did go to one doc who was no help before finding my current doc who is a Godsend. Very caring.
Best to you!

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Thanks lots Barbara. I had a bad pain doc and trying to reach recommended one but no appointments until March 9 . I keep trying


Thank you for starting this discussion on herniated discs @pedaboo. We have had many members discussing herniated discs on Connect.

I would like to invite @gailb, @rsuda, @bernese53, @aprilarlady, @sschmitt77, @jeannen, @1947, @clint1510, @rick537 @missyb57 @martishka @riverqueen1305 and @luckydaug to this conversation to share their thoughts on dealing with the pain of herniated discs and what they did to cope or treat them.


@pedaboo I'm sorry you are having such pain. I suggest you try ice or heat until your appointment with the pain doctor. I have bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, bone spurs and arthritis in my cervical spine. I take Lyrica for the burning of nerve pain and use a heating pad when I need to. I also use a T.E.N.S Unit.
What does your pain feel like? Stabbing? Burning? Aching?


@pedaboo I'm sorry you are having such pain. I suggest you try ice or heat until your appointment with the pain doctor. I have bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, bone spurs and arthritis in my cervical spine. I take Lyrica for the burning of nerve pain and use a heating pad when I need to. I also use a T.E.N.S Unit.
What does your pain feel like? Stabbing? Burning? Aching?

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@pedaboo I would suggest you find a GOOD pain management doctor WHILE you are seeking solutions. Sometimes the pain interferes with our ability to think clearly (i.e. problem solve) and by mediating the pain, we can seek good solutions. You have to be cautious also about over medicating, which also muddles the mind. It's a fine line. I can tell you this though. Once I was able to alleviate my horrific back pain I was then able to get to the cause of the pain. I did go to one doc who was no help before finding my current doc who is a Godsend. Very caring.
Best to you!

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@pedaboo I hate the wait for a needed appt. Keep calling and be nicely assertive, stressing your pain. Reasonably caring office assistants usually find a way.


@pedaboo I'm sorry you are having such pain. I suggest you try ice or heat until your appointment with the pain doctor. I have bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, bone spurs and arthritis in my cervical spine. I take Lyrica for the burning of nerve pain and use a heating pad when I need to. I also use a T.E.N.S Unit.
What does your pain feel like? Stabbing? Burning? Aching?

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This morning I had a CT Scan and compared to the MRI I had in October, it shows degenerative disk pinching the nerve. I cannot take the epidural injection because I'm on blood thinners. After consulting with my cardiologist and a pain doctor, my prescribing Dr. ordered from my pharmacy 2 Percocet every 4 hours, plus a 6 day course of of Steroid/Medro. If the Percocet doesn't work, then take 1 ocicodin every 12 hours. Sounds like a lot of meds but the pain is horrific. . CVS has delivery only at 3 pm! No exceptions! And this is Upper Eastsid Manhattan. Getting neighbor to pick up. The heating pad while waiting. Lyrica never worked. Pain is burning/aching. Thx Jen


Are you continuing Physical Therapy? I have two herniated discs and one is impinging on a nerve. The pain was absolutely horrific! I HATED my physical therapist for a long time but found PT to be helpful in terms of the pain. I also found that ice helped more than heat.


Im so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain! I am continuing physical therapy. My herniation has actually popped back in! After months of doing nothing and a MacKenzie physical therapist, im almost ready to go back to work!


@pedaboo I'm sorry you are having such pain. I suggest you try ice or heat until your appointment with the pain doctor. I have bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, bone spurs and arthritis in my cervical spine. I take Lyrica for the burning of nerve pain and use a heating pad when I need to. I also use a T.E.N.S Unit.
What does your pain feel like? Stabbing? Burning? Aching?

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Yes, its terrible pain. A lot of it is nerve and a lot of it is muscle. Depending on how bad the impingment is, will determine pain level. The percocet should definitely help. I found that you truly have to listen to your body. Reducing activity to almost nothing and finding a comfortable position while sleeping/sitting/lying down is important. I am actually almost ready to go back to work due to a lot of doing nothing and seeing a mackenzie physical therapy specialist i got injured in september if that tells you how long it takes. Degenerative discs are more painful than just an impigment.

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