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Possible low kidney function

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Feb 14, 2017 | Replies (20)

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Sorry that you are experiencing kidney health problem. I an in year 8 of dealing with similar issues and have acquired a lot of information and experience with the disease. The most important piece of data to be aware. of is your creatinine number from your blood work. Health kidney function level is around 1.0. When the number starts getting around 3.0, there is serious illness and the direction is towards being on dialysis, a very debilitating process on the body and quality of life. My best advice at this point, is to find a nephrologist at a teaching hospital near you and begin working them right away. I am willing and available to share information with you about my own journey in deals big with this very long gestating and very long debilitating chronic disease.

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Replies to "Sorry that you are experiencing kidney health problem. I an in year 8 of dealing with..."

Hi Joan47,
I just happened on your comment. I have just started to investigate a kidney situation. My family Dr. had some blood work done and the kidney function was "off". I was referred to an Nephrologist. This young Dr. tells me that the creatinine and bun levels are elevated, along with a very high potassium level. The only thing that he is proscribing is that I do a test involving a collections for a week of urine. And the urine will be put into a machine that will take different measurements. And hopefully that will give a better reading of why my blood numbers are up. It does not seem to be too critical, because the referral to him took a month and I won't start the urine collection for another six weeks. I looked up what foods offer the most potassium and I eat them all all the time. Plus one of my med for hypertension has potassium. I have multiple heath issues and have been on the chronic pain chat forum with Mayo Clinic, and have enjoyed the listening without being judged. If you can offer any insight about these kind of kidney situations, I would greatly appreciate it.

I am sorry for your ordeal with kidney disease. I will appreciate any advice. This is very new and a surprise to me. My creatinine is still in range but has gone up since Dec. I hope that finding this early will help me keep it controlled. I am waiting for my doctor's next step. She talked about an ultrasound. The waiting for tests and appointments stresses me. Thank you. I hope you are doing well.

@ryman, as I looked over your messages this morning, I sensed how uncomfortable you feel waiting to hear from your new primary care doctor, but as a new patient to your PCP, it probably takes more time to visualize and comprehend the full range of your challenges.

These points stick out to me: 1) You suggest that you have had high potassium (hyperkalemia), which might account for some of your most bothersome symptoms. 2) You're taking a lot of medications, some of which you indicate have been with you a long time. 3) You would benefit from a detailed review of your medications -- one by one -- and their possible interactions and current necessity; your PCP will do that for you at your request. 4) You would benefit from keeping a complete file of your lab reports so that, if you'd like to have a second opinion on any major question, you have documentation to share with the other doctor. 5) If you can, ask a medically knowledgable friend to go with you to see your doctor and to act as another set of ears on the answers you receive. 6) Ask your PCP whether referral to a nephrologist is appropriate for addressing your kidney concerns.

This sounds like a lot to do, but the more of it you can shoulder, the more you will be in command of your medical plan, diagnoses, and treatment. I have found that most doctors greatly appreciate this kind of personal involvement by their patients -- even when I offer something "off the wall," my cardiologist thanks me for keeping him "on the ball."

Thank you. My new doctor went over my Meds on my first appointment. She is still trying to come up with an alternative osteoporosis treatment but between my swallowing and my insurance that is not easy. Also because of the osteoporosis I wanted to drop Nexium but she was not for that. I am keeping my lab reports and patient summaries. My grandson usually goes with me because I am very hard of hearing and he asks questions and brings up issues. I feel that once the testing is done she will refer me to a specialist. Oh, I am one to go with a written list and make suggestions and I feel this doctor does not mind that. In fact, my first visit her nurse said Feel free to discuss anything at all with her.