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* High anxiety and depression *

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Feb 18, 2017 | Replies (29)

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@amberpep I am so, so sorry you are feeling depressed. I understand that dark, sticky hole all too well. I assume you are on an antidepressant and/or an anti-anxiety medication? A move like the one you made is extremely stressful, as is loosing contact with all your social support. You state you moved to be closer to your children. Was it at their insistence? Were you close with them emotionally? Do they visit often and check on you daily, at least by phone? Have they helped you find community resources? If not, is it too late to move back? I would rather be by people I can count on and people whom with I can socialize. I know you are in a tough spot. What were your expectations, if any, with regard to the move? What were your children's expectations? I see you are seeing a psychiatrist. Does he/she have any suggestions or know of any community resources which may benefit you? It is hard to have so many changes, I think especially as we age. Hang in there. Sounds like you will have to claw your way out of that hole (I've done it a few too many times) - it can be done. Try listening to up beat music. Go to the movie theater and see a comedy. Go for a walk in nature. Do you have a dog or a cat? I have three dogs (you may not want to go that far!) and find them to be an immense source of comfort and company. Also, you can take your dog to a dog park and meet other dog owners. I have found most people are much more open to speaking with you if you have a dog. They are great ice breakers! I would recommend an older dog, perhaps a golden retriever or basset hound or pug - something not too hyper and already house trained. Puppies are cute, but they are lots of work. The workers at shelters and other rescue places are usually really good about fitting your personality and needs to an adult dog in their system. Also, speak to your psychiatrist about perhaps speaking with your children about your depression. Do they know how you feel? Please know you are not alone. I will be praying for you! Let me know how things go and if you decide to get a companion animal!

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Replies to "@amberpep I am so, so sorry you are feeling depressed. I understand that dark, sticky hole..."

Thank you so very much for responding ..... it makes me feel less alone. To answer some of your questions ..... I lived in Frederick, MD for 30+ years, and it took 5 years of my kids hounding me to "move down here" for me to actually take the plunge. Little did I realize the pool had no water in it. My girls and I are close, closer to one of them than the other. I hear from the other one most often, usually daily I'll get an e-mail or call. My other daughter always was closer to her Dad (my X-husband after a 40 year marriage) and she has 2 children, one of whom she is home schooling, so she's very busy. My other daughter works in Charlottesville, but I hear from her and see her much more often. And ..... my X-husband moved down here too .... he built a big house in the country. We get along as best as we can, but it doesn't help any to know he's only about 30 minutes away. I also have a son, but he lives outside of D.C. so I don't see him very often. I don't want to sound dramatic, but my therapist actually told me I'd been clawing my way through life since I was little .... raised by an alcoholic mother and father, spend weekends in bars with them, married to escape and divorced 10 years ago - he has a personality disorder (Narcissistic), and now this. I have 2 cats, and up until a few months ago I had a dear little dog who I loved so much .... she was a rescue from a puppy mill - a 4 year old female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I had to have her put down due to congestive heart failure (common in the breed) ..... I so much want another one, but I don't want a puppy, and even the adults are over $600. I can't afford that. This town is nothing at all like Frederick ..... the people (at least the ones I've come in contact with) are very clannish .... they stick to themselves and their own families, and believe it or not, I am considered a "yankee."
I drive to Frederick every other Tuesday for an appt. with my therapist and also with my psychiatrist. I take 4 psychotropics.
This will sound harsh, but I think that yes, my girls love me ..... the main reason one of them especially wanted me to move down here was for her convenience. As I age, it will be a lot easier for her if I'm here rather than if she has to come to Frederick - a 4 hour drive.
I have never been able to sit down and REALLY have a heart to heart conversation with any of my kids about my depression and anxiety. If I even hint at it, they turn me off immediately. They don't want to hear about it. I think they're afraid it'll jump on them like a flea!
And .... the oddest part of this is ..... both my daughters are trained Social Workers. They're not practicing it now as one is home schooling and the other worked for a Nursing Home for 8 years and got burnt out, so she works in an independent toy store.
My church was the central part of my social life, but that denomination doesn't exist down here, and I've tried the ones closest to it and was received rather chilly-ly ..... clannish again. So, that's the deal. I could go back to Frederick, as I own a condo there and am presently renting it out; then I worry what if I do that and am still not happy. So, here I am .... I'm looking for a part time job, but once they find out your age - they can't ask outright anymore but once they see when you graduated from H.S. and college, they know. I know I'm not eating well .... I don't want to cook and eat mostly TV dinners.
Again, thanks so much for responding .... I really appreciate hearing from you.