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DiscussionPost-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) - Let's talk
Intensive Care (ICU) | Last Active: Mar 1 11:00pm | Replies (614)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "Dear Content and Well: You are my answer to my prayer. Since April I have been..."
@marield65 You were in the updates that I get in email, that was how I found you.
Your delirium was much worse than mine after my knee surgery. When my husband would remind me that I couldn't get up I would sort of laugh -- sort of a "what was I thinking", but then a bit later we would go through the same thing.
I can totally sympathize with you though because your delirium was more like what I had with HE from cirrhosis. That has left me so shaken that I have a constant fear that I might be early Alzheimer's. I don't think I could deal with that diagnosis.
I have been told that there is a lesser anasthesia than General Anasthesia and while I had cirrhosis I was hoping I could get my knee done but if so I had requested NO GENERAL ANASTHESIA. The ortho surgeon said that would be fine.
@rosemarya Thanks Rosemary. That is a topic I would like to pursue also. Will do that when I have more time, I am blasting through these messages because I have a lot to do right now.
I might have to have back surgery and I will bring it up to the doctor about the NO General Anesthesia. I will let you know how I make out. I am scared to death to have another surgery.
Thanks so much. Marie
@marield65, @rosemarya sent you a great resource about delirium. I am going to attach some additional links to resources that I think you might find valuable:
Thank you so much
To content and well. This Marie (Marield65). What did you have when you had HE from cirrhosis? What is HE? I have more questions but I won't hit you with them all at once. Thanks...
@marield65, When you want to direct your question to a particular individual. you can highlight @name. Then copy it into your text reply. That way he/she will get a notification about the post.
@contentandwell, I want to be certain that you see the above question from Marie.
Thank you for your help to add the @with the name to make sure it notifies who you want the message to go to. That a big help. Marield65
@marield65 Marie, during the worst episodes I would be confused, extremely so, and non-sensical. I would put clothes on backwards, get a glass of water and then a few minutes later get another glass of water with the first one still there, lots of things like that. Even when I was having an episode that was did not leave me confused I was not myself. I lost my appetite and just wanted to sleep. I remember trying to figure out how to use the TV remote -- it was a brand new TV so part of that may have been unfamiliarity still. Thankfully none of my episodes came on quickly without warning. If I was out and felt the slightest possibility that I might be getting one I would get right home. The vast majority of times I was fine but at least once I did the smart thing. I picked some friends up at the airport and was supposed to go to dinner with them but my stomach hurt -- always a pre-episode symptom with me -- so I dropped them at their home and went home myself. Sure enough a few hours later I started getting confused.
The absolute worst episodes left me totally out of, one time I was unresponsive for hours which caused my husband to get an ambulance and have me brought to the hospital (I would not go willingly, I probably would have been a problem if the two of us were in the car). When I was in the hospital they would ask me questions to determine how my memory was functioning, like who is the president (I answered Bush, wrong of course) and what day it was. I had no idea what day it was but as I told them I was brought to the hospital totally out of it and put in a room with little or no outside input so of course I had no idea! I learned to check my Iphone in the morning to see the date and day, so I was with it enough to know strategies. I also was with-it enough to be aware of things, like the EMT said something and I corrected his grammar! Of course I would not do that normally simply because it would be rude, but at least I was aware enough to recognize his error.
Please just ask if you want to know anything else.
@marield65, I did find this link from Mayo Clinic Patient Care and Health Info / Disease and Conditions. I think you will find it interesting reading. You might want to share it with your family members.