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@elizabethbryant, Thank you for entering this discussion. The situation that I talked about was 8 years ago. I think that I, too, cried afterward, for no apparent reason. Then I would get my husband crying, because we had been through such an emotional event. I had always heard, from other people, that the drugs and trauma were part of it, but I really don't know. Liz, how long ago was your surgery? Do you still have crying spells?
Sending you a hug, Rosemary

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Replies to "@elizabethbryant, Thank you for entering this discussion. The situation that I talked about was 8 years..."

I spent 33 days in the ICU in 2006. I had some more stats during the last ten years too. I still have a hard time when I sit and think about it or when other people talk about theirs or family experiences. I too am very emotional and will cry out of nowhere. I feel like no one understands and. Ow people do not even ask

@rsinger22, Yes it can be extremely difficult to be in those situations. I believe that it is okay to cry! In light of what you have endured, you have my permission to let the tears flow.
We, who are participating in the discussions on Connect do understand! Most of us have endured similar experiences, although the place, the time, the diagnosis might be different. We are here to share without judgment and to both receive and to offer support to others. I have learned a couple of things since I have been participating in these discussions: I am not alone in my struggles: it helps to talk (or write) about it; there is support for me; and I have found that I can support others and that feels good!
Remember that we do understand! we look forward to hearing from you if you would like to share.

Thank you for joining us here @rsinger22. You are among people who understand. I hope that sharing in this conversation can help and heal. Welcome.

There is strength and healing simply by expressing understanding of where a person is coming from, the pain, anguish and fear in being hospitalized or having a sick loved one in a place of suffering and pain. Sharing and expressing empathy with others is healing in its own way both emotionally and physically as well. We are complex beings. We can not all be put into a box. We all react to pain and suffering and loss in a very different ways. But we all respond to kindness and warm touch, a back or foot rub if appropriate,

I have been in therapy for years dealing with my health situation and learning how to deal with my current health status as well as how other people are part of my life. After reading this board, I started to reflect on the days I spent in the hospital and raw emotion took over me. I have been more emotional lately because I think back to those times in the hospital and what I went through. I do not think I have adequately dealt with what happened and what I went through. I spent more time understanding people and the value of life and how fleeting it can be. I also came to gripes about who is there for you and others that might not be (not blaming them but just understanding that they may not be capable or totally do not get it) This whole subject really makes me reflect.

I appreciate your openness in dealing with a health situation. It can be very hurtful sometime how family treats you.
I don't think they fully understand. The only thing good about remembering the hospital is when I want to put some junk
in my mouth and I remember the hospital and don't eat the junk.
The nurse told me at the hospital before the surgery that my life would never be the same. Two weeks after surgery mom
passed away, then after the drama of it all my husband left for good.
I have some good days and some not so good and it is up to me to try to stay away from negative. That and sugar are
my enemies.
Yes it makes one reflect on life and eternity. Thank you for sharing your genuine open thoughts.

@elizabethbryant, Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts. I k now that others will find comfort and encouragement in your words. You mentioned that sugar and negativity are your enemies. Would you be comfortable to share some ideas that help you to deal with these? I admire your strength as you move forward.

Hey there, I find that sugar for me is addictive. I had no sugar from March until Christmas. I tried a small amount of sugar and
the inflamed tissue is set on fire. Then I remember the morbid painful time of oral surgery and have concluded in my mind
Its not worth it......Not worth it.!!!!! Whatever goes in my mouth is considered medicine for my body.
I have been making smoothies. $15. Smoothie machine at Wal Mart. The Budwig Cancer Protocol is cottage cheese and "Barlean" cold pressed flax seed oil, with Trivia and frozen organic raisberries (I can only find frozen at Kroger grocery)
Use Trivia which is part of my cancer protocol. Eating sweet potatoes, few white potatoes with a butter substitute "Earth Balance" Soy free, plant powered. No Bread, absolutely none or white flour. Use apples in smoothie Kale, celery, greens etc still I use Trivia. I order Green Pea Protein from Puritan Pride.recommended by John Hopkins.
John Hopkins alternative Med. also food grade Franckinsene some drops in a bottle of water. (High electric source)
See John Hopkins Alternative medicine. I love split pea soup. Frozen baby sweet peas. I eat these every day.
Trivia helps beat sugar crave for me. Pray (talk to God) read .....book of Psalms for encouragement.
David Jeremiah Archieves Google is doing a series on Hope, you choose what message encourages you.
Hope this helps. Take care. Sorry my PC is messed up, hope this comes out making sense.

Thank you Liz for the information. Your message came thru perfectly, even if your PC is being difficult!
I wish you continuing success with your health management.

Good Evening, My Dear- May I ask what your health condition is at this time?  If you need to talk about it maybe I can help in some way.  Anita