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Managing Lifelong Mental Health as a Senior

Mental Health | Last Active: Oct 23, 2023 | Replies (499)

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Hey jjwest you can have a big hug from me. I am new on this site and trying to find out why my tongue is causing me problems. On top of my tongue I have a white layer and under the white layer it feels like little tenticles are under there. When I rub the roof of my mouth across my tongue all this ikkey stuff comes off. I have been to my doctor he said "thrush" took a medication for it. No good. My doctor then sent me to a ENT doctor he gave my mouth throat etc a thorough exam ...nothing. Went to the dentist he said just just a tongue brush. No goo. I'm at my wits end. Any suggestions

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Replies to "Hey jjwest you can have a big hug from me. I am new on this site..."

Hi Patti, Elizabeth here. Yes, I am fairly new on this site also. I saw my local doc yesterday and
realized she didn't have a clue.
I did gain some information, had blood work done which was good.
I went through my medical records and notes Thursday night before my appointment
Friday. All of this started when my mom said "Your tongue is white" yes it was as
you describe it. The white mucus stuff. Interesting I told my neighbor across the street
and she had it also. She purchased the tongue brush and plastic scraper. Even though
it comes back one must keep the mouth clean.
I will see a highly renown specialist in this area, an oral surgeon on March 29. I will have
to travel out of state and then by driver to his office. This is all this doc. treats.
Stess causes this and then it is difficult to get rid of it. My neighbor has managed to
control hers. She has something different and not as serious as mine.
I will keep you posted. The Baltimore trip and then working out transportation from
there has to take place,I am not comfortable in Baltimore.
The more you become anxious about your tongue the more mucous you will produce. It
is good that I was forced to go back into my medical records and could see that mine also
started with the "white tongue" and I mean you must change your diet and relax completely.
The specialist told my neighbor the cause was stress. I will keep you posted. It is coming
from the stomach.
Big Hug.........Elizabeth

Hello @elizabethbryant. You mentioned that you were seeing an oral surgeon on March 29th for your tongue. Did you make that appointment? What did you find out?

Hi Justin, I did see Dr. James Sciubba via Amtrak to Baltimore. Dr. Sciubba studied my records and oral examination
called the surgeon, pathology, and another surgeon while I was in the office. I would have ask for a biopsy but didn't
I found out that I do not have lichen planus and that properties of lichen planus can change. Dr. Sciubba will speak
with my surgeons etc. Dr. doesn't do the surgery, I was disappointed with this,. I believe I should have seen
him over two years ago and I would not me in this medical situation because of poor medical care. Google Dr. James Sciubba


It's really encouraging to hear that you're moving forward toward a prognosis, and a resolution of what must be a miserable condition. Keep believing that God does have His hand on you. I'll pray for the Spirit of peace in your heart and mind.


Thank you Jim, to me another primitive surgery, having a burlap bag sewn to my tongue is really barbaric (to hold the transplanted
flap to the tongue. It will be one year ago April 6 since the nightmare surgery which was a wave of Hell.
I am especially thankful that you are praying for the Peace that only God can give for my mind.
I am praying for His mercy. The chronic pain is a reminder the condition is there. The surgery was April 6 and mom
passed away on April 23. I think God took mom so she would not have to grieve anymore as she did over
my condition and she was alone so alone in a facility and I miss her so.


I think that for many of us, losing Mom is one of life's most difficult times. The mother-child relationship is unlike any other.

And the peace of God is unlike any other, as well. Paul used the phrase in Philippians 4, "peace that surpasses understanding." Even though we face multiple issues, the inner peace that we have by virtue of the presence of the Holy Spirit enables us to endure without totally falling apart. Faith can mean the difference between life and death. Prayer has intrinsic value in the healing community. And faith, prayer, music and other things like meditation and touch can contribute to better outcomes, whether we understand it or not. As a whole being, spiritual, mental and physical health contribute to each other. A wise person will cultivate all three.

End of sermon.


Thank you Jim for the "sermon" I was and still am at peace with losing mom. I know where she is and I was with her when she passed.
It was a relief as I know she was very lonely and wanted her family near. She wanted to leave and there was no reason to stay on earth Long story. (My sister went with me to Baltimore this week for the doc visit via 10 hour AMTRAK she talked about mom a lot
which accounts for my thoughts of mom. I am o.k. with her absence.....there are just those times.

I took the news of my cancer diagnosis really well last February, everyone was rather taken back at my peace., this is the fist time I heard in my spirit before the diagnosis call that it was cancer, which prepared me for the news,
I have suffered bravely with this and told mom that God would give me the grace to walk through this if He didn't heal me as mom prayed some times all night for my healing, I had been to doctors for three years and it could have been taken care of by specialists that just didn't take the time, received poor medical care.
My family, knowledgeable in the system believe that I received such fragmented poor medical care by the same medical system that ended up doing the surgery from Hell, for lack of having another option. The issue is with the hospital (not the surgeon) know to be the worse after care in the country by U S News and World Report & World Report. (I agrees with their findings)
I praise God for the doctor specialist I saw this week, should have seen a long time ago, but lets not go there.
I agree 100% with your "sermon" . All of this peace was present before my last surgery (one year ago April 6)
The surgery was bad enough but the sewing a lump of burlap to my tongue for the flap to my severly swollen tongue
(blocking my air way.) appears to be rather primitive, 3rd world country medicine. NOW TALKING ABOUT DOING THIS AGAIN ! ! !
When I was told I would be sipping ice myself, as the doctor was stern "Doing this yourself"
and then the hospital had no "ice chips" something that simple which created many complications
in the night and steroid and possible airway tube, etc. all for lack of ice chips.
Is this the medical care across the country now as this country is in moral ...decay"".
I can't seem to get back on track which is a poor way to express it.
Touch, I live alone. Spiritual what has happened to me, where is my faith. Music worn that out.
The surgery was trauma and then
coming home on Morphine bottles and trying to think clearly on three pain killers plus the morphine.
and to tell me that I would need another surgery.
This is a bunch of Blah blah blah that I am writing so please forgive me. I am overwhelmed at times but dont
fall apart. The crying that came some length of time month or so after surgery was I learned from the meds.
I don't have the crying now. I just stated that death would be better than to go through that surgery again.
Enough said.

@brit, how are things going with your tongue issue? Its been awhile since you posted your progress.

@elizabethbryant, You have been through so much in the past year! I think most people would have given up a long time ago if they were facing similar problems and the death of their mothers. I commend you on your perseverance, courage, and willingness to share your experiences with us. Im hoping the best for you. Gail B

All is well. Thank you so much for your caring. I really have no idea what it was but within the last 2 weeks all seems to be back to normal.
I am still fighting my depression but even that is easier to deal with so I am BLESSED.
Everyone out there keep trucking and believing in the good LORD he does make dreams come true and I am so thankful.
GOD BLESS everyone out there just keep praying to HIM he will come through for you
Love Patti