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Managing Lifelong Mental Health as a Senior

Mental Health | Last Active: Oct 23, 2023 | Replies (499)

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Thanks Colleen for your letting me join this group of people. I'll have to learn my way around this site.
I do not live alone. I have 3 grown boys who are married to the sweetest young ladies. I could not have picked a better partner for them. Then I have 2 beautiful grand daughters. I live with my husband and we are both retired. He has a part-time job in which I look forward to spending time by myself. I'm alone right now and have been for a few days. I'm babysitting my son's s cats and dogs. Hubby will be here on Wednesday. I've been in bed most of the time. I know it's not good but I can't get up. I take the dog out but come right back to bed. I won't get to my home until Sunday. If I'm not better by them it looks like I'll end up in the hospital. I don't like going because all they do is keep you safe for a few days and then release you. Been there done that. Anyway, I'll check this site out tomorrow whei don't have a headache. Hoping it gets better....Again, thank you for allowing me into this site. Oh, you asked how I stumbled alone this group? I am a patient at the Jacksonville, FL Mayo. Have a great evening!

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Replies to "Thanks Colleen for your letting me join this group of people. I'll have to learn my..."

@tallygirl It sounds like you've been away from home and are pretty depressed. Join the club. It also sounds like you're thinking about getting out of the pain you feel. Do you have a plan for how you want to die? If you don't want to talk about suicide here, you can go to another page that Colleen recommended, http://mayocl.in/2dw4ZJv. I've survived a number of attempts - probably because I don't own a gun. I've overdosed a lot of times - I haven't kept count - been in survivor hospital twice, and should have gone more, but I don't really want to because I know everything they'll say. I've made survival coping plans, thought a lot about reasons to keep living, and worked on making goals to live for.

I look forward to hearing more from you.
