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DiscussionDaily random shocks throughout body
Chronic Pain | Last Active: Jan 11 4:30pm | Replies (44)Comment receiving replies

Im 45 year old male that gets shocks for the past four years. It can be nearly anywhere but funny bone area is the worst. Never in the neck or spine at this point but about anywhere else. When i wake up in morning and stretch it can be like someone punched me in the funny bone. But like i said it can be anywhere - i can tap my hand with my finger and get shocks - hit in the leg and get shocks - or even just reach for cup of coffee. Here is what I have found in the past four years....if i drink it makes it way worse if i drink vodka its horrible the next morning thats when i just reach for coffee and it shocks me. I have had all kinds of test and had surgery on my right elbow for ulnar nerve release that really did nothing and in some ways made it worse. Its very sensitive now. My blood was tested i was low on vitamin D and oddly enough taking one twice daily now has been a major help but most doctors think I'm crazy that vit. D could have anything to do with it but I've proven to myself it does.
I love to drink and have since i was 17 and more of binge drinker on the weekends every weekend at least 5 - 10 beers every friday and sat and loved to party. At this point I rarely drink and when i do its 1 2 or 3 beers and zero vodka. Ive been tested for gluten and came back negative I tried going gluten free anyway and i did notice my BM' changed for the better nearly instantly however 2 weeks in I had brain fog and what i can only describe as my eyes not pointing in the same direction least thats how it felt so kind of a dizzy feeling but not exactly this went of for as long as i was gluten free i saw a gernarl pract. about it and got nothing and eye dr and got nothing other than she did say my eyes were not focusing exactly on the same spot like they should. I continued not eating gluten for around 2 months and it never went away finally i gave up and went back to gluten and that feeling went away around a week later along with my good digestion. So that test was interesting but ultimately didnt tell me much other than not eating gluten had some serious affects on my body both good and bad. I should go back and haver test my eyes to see if the are now back to focusing on the same spot...i bet they are but not been tested.
I was also exposed to 7 garden dust that i used in my house in my 30's - I have a feeling that it destroyed my nervous system but have gotten no dr to confirm it. I sprinkled it all over carpet then vacumed it up breathing it in and walking around in it for years.... I've been to the Dr. for this issue like 100 times but only a handful of Dr's maybe 10 in all. The chemical in that i have read kills bugs by destroying its nervous system function so i figure that is what it did to mine. I was young invulnerable and pissed off at fleas in my house - bad choice i know but can't take it back now.
My Dad has gouty arthritis and beer is known to inflame that. I do have pain in my joints now and my uric acid level was 7.2 last time it was tested. I have strange pain in heal and pinky joint and big toe now for the last year or so. Another theory is that i have gout but most Dr's say if i had it i would know it....so does my dad. But a specialist i went to that tested me and got the 7.2 reading said that it could be gout and that it doesn't always cause severe pain in everyone and we should keep monitoring my level. He said that high level of uric acid could be causing inflammation throughout my body and he wouldn't rule it out.
All i know is this is affecting my health in so many ways its hard to explain. As it progresses i fear for my future and my families future. Its very painful and not knowing what the future holds is very scary. I love to drink and have fun and I'm trying to find new ways but its a lifestyle change and all my friends love to drink so that is very very hard but my body has been telling me over and over that I shouldnt drink. And over the last four years I have cut down and gone through periods of up to a month not drinking anything. And right now i havent had a single drink for 3 weeks and my toe - heal and - pinky feel about normal. I am still getting shocks but drastically reduced. Why is the question - if I knew it was uric acid i could change my diet but at this point all of it is just a big guess and mainly the only one who has helped was the Dr. who suggested i take vit D and my own experiments. All i can say is good luck to anyone who has this issue it is painful and scary.
I worked out and was in such good health up until 40 now I'm a wreck. Well still appera healtier ont he outside than most 40 somethings.... Still maintaining good body wieght but thats just genetics I eat out every day Ive never been able to put on wieght so guess thats good but I'm as unhealthy as I've ever been both mentally and physically. Its chipping away at my mind more than anything. Working out seems to make it worse so I haven't done it in 4 years and its a shame because i had a goal to work out till I dropped over dead. Hope something in here helps someone else. Thanks for reading!
Replies to "Im 45 year old male that gets shocks for the past four years. It can be..."
Fyi giving an update pretty much a year later, this is just for others who my have similar symptoms hope it helps someone. I'm not cured at this point but I have gotten some much needed relieve.
I took this all the way to a web Dr visit with mayo who told me it was likely caused by drinking and I should never drink again. And I pretty much had already stopped anyway. However after that diagnosis i stopped drinking completely, however my symptoms only seemed to get worse and i was again frustrated. I did go back to the eye Dr and not so oddly by eyes were back focused on the same spot again.
Not happy with the diagnosis or lack of help it provided or my health i continued to wonder about Gluten. I again stopped eating it - this time during the pandemic. thanks to the pandemic controlling what goes in mouth became more controlled. I eat out all the time so i basically eat what i cook at this point. Vs last time i tried it eating out and assuming what i was eating was GF.
Again instantly changed my digestion. And again i felt my eyes drifting from the same focal point. I know so freaking crazy!!! However this time after a few weeks those symptoms subsided. And my shocks to date are the best they have been in sometime and I still dont eat Gluten by choice. I rarely have shocks or symptoms at all. I still drink but very rare and when i do i have a few glasses of GF wine or something. I lost a little weight like 7 pounds and that was about every ounce of fat i have on me. I have slowly started to exercise but one time after I did 50 pull ups i had a few shocks in the elbows that night so Im trying to get back more slowly.
Ive also noted several other positive things - less confusing or brain fog - sleeping better - Better digestion - aches and pains that Ive had for years are fading or some have left completely - muscle tone returning really fast and all i do is a few pull ups a few times a week and now try not to over do it, hopefully at some point i can exercise more like i want vs what my body allows. But hey I'm nearly 47 and i can do 50 pull ups or more who knows, with a one minute break between sets of 10 doubt too many 18 year old's can do that.
I did go to an arthritis Dr. he took readings of uric acid in my blood and they were borderline high - I also had symptoms of joint pain and that too is mainly gone now but Ive been taking a low does of alopurinol to reduce uric acid. Its not been proven that i have gout like my father but since most all my joint pain stopped after taking it I think its pretty likely. My gout symptoms were very non standard i had no "attack" just joint pain that would move around to typical joints that gout settles in....hands finger's toes heel wrist. I may go off it again and see what happens with my joint pain but for now i dont want to change anything.
Anyway its not been a year yet - so I'm still hopeful that my body continues to heal. I may post again who knows. Before going gluten free i was one to make fun of the diet. Now sadly - I'm a firm believer that Gluten is very bad for many people who are still eating it. I was tested for celiac and it came back negative and i was tested while eating gluten. So even if you get tested for celiac dont assume you can eat gluten without doing damage. Also keep in mind I went to lots of Dr's all the way to the mayo and not one ever told me to cut out gluten. My sis always says it messed her up and i blew her off as crazy. And i think my brother is affected too but he refuses to care enough about his body to even try cutting it out. But since he goes number 2 four times a day, i have a feeling he is in denial.....
Oh another major symptom it gives me is inflammation in general but massively in the gut. It took weeks to months for the inflammation in my gut to settle down to normal levels but i would say anyone with IBS should try not eating gluten. Ive never been diagnosed with IBS nor did i consider my digestion to be that abnormal but after going GF i would say the path to healing in my case was my gut so pay attention to your digestion. Mine was a very slow and gradual process and can go unnoticed easily but if i think back to 20 years ago there are major differences.
I would also note that after 40 when i drank vodka (while eating gluten) it would inflame my bowls notably and always thought that strange and if i ate spicy foods the next bm would not be fun. But now i can do both with a healed gut and not really even note my next bm as strange. Also note that if i drank vodka it was always preceded or followed by very thick malty delicious beers overflowing with gluten. Damaging my gut lining and allowing who knows what to get into my blood stream. .
I think i may see ayurvedic Dr. for further advice.... I have a feeling they will be more prone to knowing what i should eat or cut out to get even more improvement. Why i could eat gluten in my 20 and now I cant who knows. Also note that I can eat gluten and I think i would hardly notice - at that is unless i started doing it on a regular basis. I have eaten a few things by mistake or on purpose just to see what affect it would have. (my body has been one big science experiment for the last few years) anyway Im not even sure i have any true symptoms by eating gluten once with a healed gut. But trust me when i eat it every day it chips away at my health till I'm a shell of my former self.....
Anyway best of luck to every one on here and dont give up. Ive been fighting this for 7 years maybe longer and plan to continue my battle - time will tell where it leads it me