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@justapril- Hello and welcome to Connect. I'm sorry that I missed your original question. I do not monitor the group that you first posted on. I know that it can be confusing because there are so many groups on Connect. We try to help so many people!
I have had NSCLC for the past 21+ years. What kind of lung cancer do you have? Will you tell me more about your lung cancer history? What treatments have you had?
Having a constant nose drip must be extremely taxing. Have you consulted with an EMT? If your nose is irritated than rubbing some aloe on it is a good idea or even white Vaseline.

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Replies to "@justapril- Hello and welcome to Connect. I'm sorry that I missed your original question. I do..."

Hello Merry@merpreb I am happy to hear you are still here fighting 21 yrs later. I was diagnosed with NSCLC squamous cell stage 3 in July of 2017. Went through 7 weeks of radiation 5 days a week and Chemo weekly. After the radiation and chemo I was put on Imfinzi Immunotherapy. 6 months into the treatment I developed a reaction and had to stop treatments. On my next scan I was told I am in remission that was in August 2018. I had mild COPD diagnosed in 2014 right before quitting smoking. Since stopping treatments my breathing has gotten much worse. I had a spell where I stopped breathing and was rushed to the hospital where they diagnosed severe COPD, a-fib and Congestive heart failure. I was given Xarelto 20 mg for the a-fib and 200 mg Amiodarone HCL 4 times a day which the Cardiologist stopped after 2 weeks as it was making me ill. Also I read it could cause lung cancer. I have been having some days now when the oxygen does not cause my nose to drip constantly. I switched my cannulas to Salter Labs 16000 series both 4ft and 7 feet and it has been amazingly helpful. As I stated in my last post I am really looking for information on Umbilical cord stem cell therapies. I am still doing as much research as I can as we raise money for me to have the procedures God Willing!!! Any information to that end would be greatly appreciated.