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Has anyone had surgery to repair hiatal hernia?

Digestive Health | Last Active: Aug 15, 2023 | Replies (58)

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Hi everyone, I suffer from a sliding hiatal hernia and the symptoms are horrible. Burping, chest pain, heartburn are among the most irritating. After being put on every antacid known to man, watching what I ate, sleeping upright for a year with no relief I took matters into my own hands because I wasn't getting anywhere with my doctor. I know what set off my episode, mega red fish oil, most people dont but here are a few things I do that help and I hope it can help you if you suffer like I did. When I get up in the morning I drink a half a bottle of water then Hop down the stairs just to keep my stomach where it belongs, I write down everything I eat that gives me heartburn and I try to avoid them but sometimes you just need a taco, if I know I'm going to eat something that may cause an episode I take a OTC Tagamet about an hour before I eat, eat slowly and drink water with it, do not lay down for 3 hours after you eat and here is the one that will shock you.....do not sleep with your head elevated, sleep flat on your back, no pillow under your head, with 2-3 pillows under your legs kind of like your in a seated position......Instant relief from night time heartburn due to your hernia. If it happens during the day I lay on the floor and put my legs up on the couch. It took years for me to get a grip on this and I hope my tips help anyone suffering from this.

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Replies to "Hi everyone, I suffer from a sliding hiatal hernia and the symptoms are horrible. Burping, chest..."

OMG! How many years have you been dealing with this. Have you developed Barrett's yet? You should have your GI order an esophogram/barium swallow to check the extent of reflux and sliding of the stomach. Your GI or a surgeon specializing in the LINX procedure can also order an esophogeal motility study which tests the effectiveness of your swallowing. If your swallowing is fine then have the LINX done . It will stop the reflux . The hole in your diaghragm will be repaired at the same time so your stomach won't slide any longer.
I just had this done myself on Jan 22nd. My surgeon also undid a Nissan fundalplication from 24yrs ago that had slipped down my stomach making it look like an hour Glass. The LINX band of magnetic beads around the LES/ Lower esophageal sphincter has stopped all reflux and I'm heartburn free for the first time in over 24yrs.

@kimmer A link to my story of paraesophageal (sliding hiatal) hernia : https://zarogasnook.blogspot.com/2015/08/a-long-time-passing.html. I am still recuperating from the last surgery and dealing with esophageal problems.