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Familial hypercholesterolemia

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Nov 14, 2022 | Replies (29)

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I have experienced similar test results and am 63 years old. I tried taking statin drugs several years ago but stopped because of the side effects. I did a lot of research regarding cholesterol and the heart and medications to "correct" the problem. I learned that just as we have different normal body temperature readings, the same holds true for cholesterol. I found that the statin drugs work for about one out of every 100,000 people and the other 99,000 don't get any benefit from taking them unless you count the side effects. I discussed this with my primary doctor who told me the findings were correct. I refused to take any more statins of any kind because I didn't see the value in it as far as my health was concerned. That was more than eight years ago. I have not had a heart attack or stroke and according to the current formula my chances of having a heart attack in the next 10 years is 4%.

My husband had a massive heart attack at the age of 50 and would have died except for the fact that he was in the emergency room when it happened. His left anterior descending artery was 100% blocked. Stents were placed in the artery. He was put on statin drugs and experienced severe side effects of muscle pain and weakness. He decided to stop taking the drug and was given other older drugs for cholesterol which had little or no effect on his levels. His primary decided to discontinue medications for cholesterol. That was 21 years ago and through diet and exercise his refraction rate increased from 15% to 45% which is unheard of for someone who had the type of heart attack he had. He has not had another heart attack. Due to an irregular heat beat a defibrillator was placed in his chest four years ago. He will be 72 in March and still works every day and hasn't decided when or if he will retire.

Do your research and learn everything you can about cholesterol, triglycerides and the heart. One thing we have learned from our cardiologists is that some people have cholesterol that is dense and heavy and others have light, fluffy, cloud-like cholesterol. The dense type is what can cause problems. Our bodies produce most of the cholesterol in our system and is necessary for brain function as well as other things.

Good luck to you.

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Replies to "I have experienced similar test results and am 63 years old. I tried taking statin drugs..."

@cindy63 I so agree with you Hi I,m Linda@Lioness Back in 96 I had a triple by pass my arteries where clogged 85,90,95% they put me on statin they haven't helped except gave my muscle weakness so I stopped per Dr. My count has always been high .I talked with my Dr she said it helps to control the Hdl and triglycerides welI I,m on a higher dose blood work in latter Jan then I,ll talk to her again if it didn't make any difference. I,m on an older statin