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Thank you Bonnie and valm. We are in Syracuse and heading to a Dr. at Crouse Med center next week. I'm hoping he has a plan or at least more information. I am not opposed to going to Rochester. I believe there is a Mayo Clinic there. My son is the type of guy that needs to know all the science behind his health issues. He likes action and is not satisfied with vague answers. He can get agitated with "experts" and caregivers that he feels are just trying to "manage" him. This is his problem with the VA. They just want to attribute all issues to PTSD and up his disability and be done with it.
I know his anxiety and sleep problems play a significant role in the frequency of these seizures and I would like to see that addressed. The Keppra is causing increased depression and mood swings that he has to work so hard to control. It is exhausting for him.
I'll let you know how it goes and whether we will be going to Rochester for more help. Thank you valm, I will be asking about Vimpat..

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Replies to "Thank you Bonnie and valm. We are in Syracuse and heading to a Dr. at Crouse..."

If you go to Rochester, MN, I’ve heard that they absolutely figure things out... where in your brain your seizure is starting, what meds would work, etc. I’ve also heard that they are better there than any of there other clinics..

Absolutely there is a Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN that is. The very original started in Rochester, MN. I've never been to the one in FL or AZ but have been to Rochester. The very best in dealing with seizure disorders.